Finishing facades of private houses with facade panels

Owners of private houses in the repair or after the completion of basic construction work often face the problem of finishing the facade of the house. The modern construction market provides a wide range of finest materials for facade work. In order to orient the consumer somewhat, we will consider one of the most popular options - finishing the facade of a private house with the help of facade panels.

Finishing the house with facade panels

First of all, it should be noted that the facade panels for external finishing are distinguished by the material from which they are made, and, consequently, by the cost and method of their installation. As a starting material, metal (aluminum, galvanized steel, copper), wood fibers, fine fraction of a stone, granite, cement-fiber materials - fiber cement, various polymers, glass can be used.

Facade panels also vary in size - from small type panels, to profile sheets or long narrow panels. But they all have a lot of positive properties - resistance to the effects of unfavorable external factors, including temperature changes, environmental contamination, increased humidity; increased thermal and sound insulation properties; fire resistance; simplicity of installation; in the end, an attractive enough appearance - the panels can imitate with a high degree of accuracy the most diverse surfaces from natural materials (stone, wood, brick).

In addition, it should be said that similar facade panels can be successfully used not only for facade cladding, but also for finishing the plinth. Let's consider in more detail the most popular kinds of front panels.

Facade panels for exterior decoration

The most common and budgetary variant of the building skin is the use of plastic facade panels for exterior decoration of the house. They are made of polyvinyl chloride with the addition of various additional ingredients in the form of stabilizers, modifiers and colorants, the presence of which in some or other ratio regulates the performance properties of the final product - the plastic panel. In the market of finishing materials, plastic panels for facade decoration are represented not only in the widest range of colors, but also with a different surface (smooth or embossed, imitating the surface of the wooden board). But it should be noted that with a significant temperature decrease, such panels become brittle.

No less popular, especially among owners of old and somewhat dilapidated houses, finishing the house outside with façade panels for a brick. Such panels are presented in the widest assortment and they differ in the composition of the raw material, in the method of attachment and, accordingly, in price. So, what does the market for finishing materials in this regard. First of all, it is a panel of clinker tiles with imitation of brickwork. Sufficiently believable imitation of artisanal brick is given to panels on a concrete base, manufactured by the method of vibration. Panels «for a brick» also make them fibrocement, polymeric materials, plastic. You can meet the facade panels under the brick for exterior decoration of buildings, made of metal.

Recently, the decoration of houses outside with facade panels under the stone is gaining increasing popularity. They are made in two variations - plastic and polymer. The second type of panels due to its improved performance and more believable imitation of the surface of natural stone (in the process of production in the composition of stone powder is introduced) is now more in demand.