Papillomas in Pregnancy

The papilloma virus lives in almost every person and can suddenly manifest itself during pregnancy, because in this position the immunity of a woman is weakened. And weak immunity is exactly what the virus likes. This appearance may not be a very pleasant surprise for the "pusatik", because from the beginning of the period of bearing the baby in the behavior of her body and so many things have changed.

But it is important to know that if papillomas appeared on the body during pregnancy, then you do not need to panic or despair. This is considered quite normal, and in the process of postpartum recovery they can be easily and quickly removed.

Papillomas are not malignant, but have a non-aesthetic appearance. It's a shame that during pregnancy they are not recommended to be removed. If such neoplasms appeared in an inconspicuous place or have a very light color, this is not far off. But when they formed on the face and neck, it is already much worse.

Causes of papillomas during pregnancy

Possible causes of papilloma in pregnant women can be the following:

  1. Diabetes mellitus or excess weight, which can be caused by an increase in the level of hormones that affect the growth of cells in the upper skin layers.
  2. Manifestation of papilloma virus in pregnancy as a result of hormonal activity and excessive skin friction caused by weight gain.

Where do papillomas appear during pregnancy?

When pregnancy is very common papillomas appear on the neck. They are benign entities and sometimes they can be hidden from prying eyes. But still, if there is an opportunity, it is better to get rid of them, in order to feel more confident.

Quite often papillomas appear during pregnancy on the nipples and on the chest. They are safe for the baby, and he will not be able to get the virus through breast-feeding . In addition, antibodies to the virus are transmitted to the baby with the mother's milk.

Treatment of papilloma in pregnancy

Papillomas, which appeared on the skin of a pregnant woman, do not pose a risk of infecting a baby with a virus. Therefore, during pregnancy, it is better not to remove papillomas. Doctors advise to wait until delivery and only then to fight with such tumors.

But there are opinions that the appearance and development of papillomas on the body of a woman during pregnancy can affect the immune system of the fetus, which in this case requires removal. Most often, they are removed when the papillomas hang and become inflamed through rubbing against clothing. They can be removed by a dermatologist using nitrogen or by cutting the legs of the formation. Such procedures are painless, so do not require anesthesia.