Lays the ears during pregnancy

During the gestation of a toddler, a woman faces many difficulties, problems that did not disturb her before. Among those can be called zalozhennost ears. Consider the situation in more detail and try to find out why lays the ears during pregnancy, is it dangerous and how to deal with this state.

Because of what is happening?

It is worth noting that with a similar woman can face almost any term of gestation. In this case, both one ear and both ear can be mortgaged. Ironically, most often women complain that this happens directly to the right.

In most cases, one of the first reasons for the fact that during pregnancy pawns the ears, is the very fact of gestation itself. Typically, this period is characterized by frequent changes in blood pressure, which is due to changes in the hormonal background in part, an increase in the load on the cardiovascular system of the mother. A similar phenomenon is observed mainly in those cases when the pressure drops sharply.

Oddly enough, the indirect effect on the stuffiness of the ears can also be caused by a decrease in such an indicator as hemoglobin, - the body lacks oxygen, the heart is forced to work in a strengthened mode.

Also an explanation of why the pregnant pawns ears, there may be a runny nose. Often with the onset of a cold, there is the appearance of mucus from the nasal passages, which as a result may be clogged. This leads to the fact that the blown air partially enters the ear canals, causing a feeling of congestion.

Formed ear plugs, can also cause a similar phenomenon. In such cases, you need to seek help from a doctor.

What if I put my ears on during pregnancy?

Regardless of whether the woman lays her ears in early or late pregnancy, in such a state it is necessary to establish the cause. The further algorithm of actions will depend on it.

If the cause is lowering blood pressure, a woman can be prescribed medications. In some cases, a pregnant woman will temporarily be able to help eat a chocolate bar, tea, exercise.

You can alleviate your health by using certain simple tricks. Try to drink water, open your mouth very wide, as if yawning, hold your nose and exhale sharply. Similar tricks can improve the condition, but if this is not an isolated case, and the obstruction appears again and again, you need to see a doctor.