Fat-soluble vitamins

All vitamins are divided into water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins. As you know, the latter has a very nice bonus to the first: they have the property to accumulate in fatty tissues and organs. Due to this they not only facilitate the absorption of fats coming from food, but they always have some reserve in the body. However, this phenomenon also has its negative side - excess vitamins in the body also will not do you good. Remember - in all the measure is needed!

Fat-soluble vitamins: general characteristic

The most obvious information about fat-soluble vitamins is the table. This type includes such species as vitamins A, D, E, K. As is clear from their name, these substances can be absorbed and absorbed exclusively in organic solvents - water in this respect is powerless.

These vitamins also have a very important function: first of all they are responsible for the growth, regeneration of bone and epithelial tissues, for the elasticity of the skin and the health of the hair. It is the fat-soluble vitamins that must be taken in order to maintain youth and beauty. The composition of most cosmetics designed to regenerate the skin and restore hair, it is these vitamins.

Fat-soluble vitamins and their functions

Despite the fact that fat-soluble vitamins can be described in general, each of them has its own unique function in the body. It is not always necessary to take them all in a complex: a deficit of only one of them is possible.

Vitamin A (retinol, retinoic acid)

This vitamin is formed in the human body from carotenes, which are present in plant foods. If the amount of this vitamin in the body is normal, then the vision will always be good, the eyes will quickly adapt to the dark. In addition, the immune system will promptly give its response to viruses and infections. All cells of the skin and mucous in the presence of this vitamin are updated regularly. However, in high doses, vitamin A is dangerous - it can cause brittle bones, dry skin, weakness, weak eyesight and some other diseases. You can get it from such products: all kinds of cabbage, all orange fruits and vegetables, salad, red pepper , as well as milk, cheese and eggs.

Vitamin D

It is an amazing vitamin that the body synthesizes from sunlight. If you are at least 20-30 minutes three times a week are under the open sky, this is enough to ensure that the body does not suffer from its lack. Its excess is very dangerous - it causes headache, damage to the kidneys, vessels of the heart, weakness in the muscles. No wonder experts emphasize the importance of using sunscreen. You can get it with food from such foods as fish liver, fatty fish, cheese, milk, yolk eggs, cereal products.

Vitamin E (tocopherol, tocotrienol)

This vitamin is a natural antioxidant, which allows it to protect and heal the damage to cells and processes in the body. If vitamin E is enough, it reduces the risk of cancer and increases immunity. You can get vitamin from vegetable oils, wheat germ, nuts, egg yolk, leafy vegetables.

Vitamin K (menaquinone, menadione, phyloquinone)

This vitamin is necessary for normal blood clotting, but its excess leads to the fact that some drugs that prescribe to the cores are not digested. In a healthy body, this vitamin is synthesized by the intestinal microflora. You can get it with food if you include such components in your diet: all kinds of cabbage, leafy vegetables, eggs, milk, liver.

Carefully monitor your health and take these vitamins only if you see by indirect signs that they are not enough in the body.