The Benefits of Milk

Which milk is most beneficial for human health: steam, pasteurized or low-fat? On this account, there is a large number of conflicting views. Moreover, for 28 years, a study was conducted, in which half a million people from all over the world participated. It showed that anyone who drank a glass of this drink a day could not be afraid of heart disease. And doctors strongly recommend drinking it to those who suffer from gastritis, anemia, poisoning and tuberculosis.

The Benefits of Milk for Women

Harvard scientists have concluded that women who regularly consume milk are distinguished by high calcium levels. However, they are less prone to hypertension. It is worth noting that those who participated in this study daily drank two glasses of milk drink, but not in a gulp, but in small sips. This helps the stomach to fully process the milk molecules, preventing fermentation.

As for the influence of milk on the skin condition, it acts as an excellent moisturizer, helping to get rid of inflammation and irritation. So, no one has canceled dairy spa-procedures at home. Feel yourself Cleopatra. To do this, take a bath, before pouring a liter of milk into warm water.

For pregnant women, this product is very necessary. Calcium helps build the skeleton of the baby's future. However, in this case, you should strictly adhere to the dosage, so as not to load the kidneys. Future mothers need to consume 2 glasses a day.

Benefit and harm of cow's milk

Cow's milk contains more than 200 nutrients, including mineral salts, proteins and fats. In the Indian Vedas, milk was considered a sacred drink. They were treated for mental disorders, insomnia.

Currently, doctors advise drinking it to those who have stomach problems, incl. and heartburn. In this case, the benefit of cow's milk is that it reduces the increased gastric acidity.

In addition, it reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke.

It is worth noting that raw milk contains vitamin B12, a beneficial effect on the nervous system and involved in the processes of hematopoiesis. It contains a considerable number of chemical elements that prevent the increase in the level of cholesterol in the body.

If we talk about the benefits of paired cow's milk, then it contains milk fat, consisting of saturated and unsaturated fats. This is its distinctive feature from what we are offered on the shelves of stores. The truth in this case is the reverse side of the coin. Dairy milk is 90% composed of bacteria that provoke various diseases. Moreover, it can contain salmonella, a tubercle bacillus.

However, cow milk is not recommended for people who are allergic, because this product is one that can cause bronchial asthma. In addition, it should not be drunk in old age. This is due to myristic acid, which can lay the foundation for the appearance of atherosclerosis.

Benefit and harm of sour milk

Bacteria, squirting milk, help its faster assimilation, saturating the the most intestinal microflora with "useful" bacteria. Everyone knows that the body needs to help in maintaining a constant balance of intestinal bacteria. And this is perfectly handled by sour-milk products.

If you want to be a holder of strong immunity . Include in your diet curdled milk, fermented baked milk and yogurt. Not only do they give a fine mood, they tend to fight chronic diseases.

However, the harm of such products lies in their ability to cause dysbacteriosis and various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.