Calorie Rolls

Rolls are a kind of sushi, they are wrapped in algae called "nori". This snack is prepared from various seafood. Most often, shrimps, octopuses, squid, scallops, mussels, crabs, lobsters, caviar, and also different types of red fish are used. In addition, the filling may be avocado, fresh or pickled cucumbers, mushrooms, cheeses and, of course, rice.

Rolls with losing weight

If you lose weight, and you care about the calorie content of rolls, you can be calm. The caloric content of rolls varies, so you can choose the least calorie ones. So, the caloric content of rolls depends on their filling. For example, the caloric content of one piece of rolls with a red fish or cucumber will be only 40 calories. If they are made of cheese, fish and avocado, the calorie content of one piece will be 140 kcal. A lot of extra calories adds cream cheese, so choosing rolls, be careful, read from what the filling is made.

In general, rolls are a wonderful option for breakfast or lunch, because rice is a dietary product, and its combination with vegetables and fish has a very beneficial effect on the body. That is, this dish will not spoil your figure if the filling is not too greasy. In addition, the calories in rolls are either in complex carbohydrates, or in useful fatty acids, and there are very few harmful calories in them. This dish is quite balanced for proteins, fats and carbohydrates , and the average caloric content of rolls is about 90-120 kcal.

Of course, if you cook them at home, it will be easier to control the calorie content of the rolls. You can make the filling only from low-calorie foods, for example, from avocado and cucumber or low-fat fish.

Rolls with salmon, crab sticks and cucumber



First boil rice with the addition of sugar and table vinegar. The rice should be very sticky. Thin strips of cucumber, fish and crab sticks. Leave the nori sheet with a smoother side down. We moisten the algae with water and spread one fish, cucumber and sticks along one edge, and pour the sauce over the other side of the rice. We wrap everything in a roll and cut it - the dish is ready.

Rolls with mushrooms



Rice vinegar, sugar and lemon juice will be lightly poured over low heat without boiling. Rice boil until cooked and season with the resulting sauce. Avocado, mushrooms and cucumber cut into small strips. We spread on the nori sheet rice, vegetables and mushrooms, wrapped in a roll and cut into several pieces. It turned out a useful and low-calorie dish.

Rolls, the recipes of which are given above - are low-calorie, so they can be cooked at home safely and consumed with pleasure and without fear for the figure.

Caloric content of baked rolls

If you are more fond of baked rolls, you can eat them, but the caloric content of this kind is much higher than simple ones, because they are cooked in oil. Caloric content of hot rolls can reach 700 calories, so use this dish better in the morning, so that excess calories can be consumed per day. And do not be zealous, enough two or three pieces.

As you can see, classic rolls are a low-calorie and healthy dish. You can use it often and not be afraid for your figure. But you can not say this about hot rolls, so eat them seldom and little by little, especially if you stick to the principles of low-calorie food.