Why dream of an ex-girlfriend?

Once you were close friends, but now it's not so, the ways have parted ways and everyone lives their own lives, only occasionally recalling another, but does not try to establish contact or maintain a purely formal relationship. And then one day you dreamed of an ex-girlfriend, and the question arose, what would this dream mean.

To begin with, you should think about why you were so interested in this dream. Was there any unusual situation, do you feel strange and after waking up or a dream in which an ex-girlfriend appeared, became a big surprise because you were sure that you had forgotten about it?

From the point of view of psychology, dreams are one of the manifestations of our subconsciousness, which in everyday life we ​​suppress. Control of the mind weakens when we go to bed, the subconscious has the opportunity to remind us of what concerns us, although we usually do not admit it to ourselves.

Think about why you stopped talking, if any of the parties retained their grievances. If life's circumstances just happened, for example, you moved, and the conversation gradually stopped, then maybe you just miss and recently remembered about it. If the communication has stopped because of a serious conflict, then perhaps the insult has not subsided or there is a feeling of guilt. More conclusions can be drawn only by analyzing the content of a particular dream.

Another answer to the question "what does an ex-girlfriend dream about" may be that you pay too much attention to your past and forget to look ahead and think about the future.

Dream Interview - former best friend

Interpretation of dreams with the participation of the best friend, communication with which has ceased, can also be found in dream books. Most of the dream books say that if you were nice to her, then such a dream promises troubles, quarrels with relatives and quarrel with a partner. If, in a dream, you argue with a friend, then this, on the contrary, is a good sign - the relationship will improve.

Also, these dreams are associated with various gossip, gossip and wiles behind your back, so you should to be vigilant and not to forget that you have the right to happiness, but you have to fight for it.

Psychoanalysis also claims that a girlfriend, albeit a former, is in any case a sexual rival, which can be a warning about possible problems in the relationship with a partner.

However, it is important to remember that sleeping can carry some kind of warning and affect your life only if you attach great importance to it. Otherwise, it will remain just a dream.