Vasodilating drops in nose

In the treatment of the common cold, some people consider using vasoconstrictive drops in the nose the easiest way to get rid of it, but it is not. In order to correctly assess the need for the use of such drugs, you need to know how they operate and observe the rules for their administration.

The principle of the action of vasoconstrictive drops for the nose

As this group of drugs works, it is clear from their name - the active substance narrows the blood vessels located under the mucous membrane of the nasal passages, and there is a decrease in the formation of mucus. This leads to the fact that the arisen edema decreases, and the lumen for the passage of air during inspiration increases.

Now the pharmaceutical companies produce a large number of vasoconstrictive drops, intended for instillation in the nose:

All vasoconstrictive drops can be divided into 4 main groups depending on the active substance that is included in its composition:

When should I use vasoconstrictive drops?

Doctors warn that when you have a slight rhinitis, you should not use such medications. Vasodilating drops should be used when:

Necessity and duration of treatment with such drops should be determined by the doctor, since everything depends on the condition of the mucous membrane. This is due to the fact that the unauthorized administration of these drugs for the treatment of an easy runny nose and the overly long-term use of vasoconstricting drops will only bring harm, and even dependence on them.

Precautions when using vasoconstrictor drugs

The instructions for the use of these drops indicate that they can be used no longer than 3-5 days, since when the active substance of this drug is exposed, the following occurs:

As a result of long-term treatment of the common cold with vasoconstrictor drops, accustoming to them occurs, which is manifested in the fact that the vessels stop responding to them or the swelling of the nose begins to increase. This will entail an increase in the dose of the drug to produce the necessary effect in the next treatment.

With frequent use of vasoconstrictors, an overdose occurs, which leads to the development of side effects:

To avoid such consequences, you can use the folk remedy to combat the stuffiness of the nose. To do this, nasal passages should be instilled with peach or sea-buckthorn oil, can be combined with mint or menthol.

But do not forget that all the above methods do not treat, but only remove the symptom of nasal congestion - reduce the secretion of mucus and swelling, so they should be used only at the same time as the main treatment for the disease that caused this condition.