Neuroleptics - a list of drugs of all groups and the safest drugs

In psychiatry are widely used neuroleptics - the list of drugs is huge. Drugs of this group are used when excessive excitation of the central nervous system. Many of them have a huge list of contraindications, so the doctor should prescribe them and prescribe the dosage.

Neuroleptics - mechanism of action

This class of drugs has appeared recently. Previously, opiates, belladonna or bleach were used to treat patients with psychoses. In addition, intravenously injected bromides. In the fifties of the last century, patients with psychoses were prescribed antihistamines. However, after a couple of years, neuroleptics of the first generation appeared. Their name is due to the effect on the body. From the Greek "νεῦρον" is literally translated "neuron" or "nerve", and "λῆψις" - "capture".

In simple terms, the neuroleptic effect is the effect that the drugs of this drug group have on the body. These medications are distinguished by such pharmacological effects:

Classification of antipsychotics

The list of drugs in this group is considerable. There are different antipsychotics - the classification includes differentiation of drugs on different grounds. All neuroleptics are conventionally divided into such groups:

In addition, neuroleptic drugs differentiate according to the clinical effects of the drug:

According to the duration of exposure, antipsychotics may be:

Typical antipsychotics

Preparations of this medication group are distinguished by high medical capabilities. These are antipsychotics. When they are taken, the likelihood of side effects will begin to appear. Such antipsychotics (the list of medications is considerable) can be derived from the following compounds:

In this case, phenothiazines are differentiated by their chemical structure into such compounds:

In addition, antipsychotics (the list of drugs given below) on the effectiveness can be differentiated into such groups:

Atypical antipsychotics

These are modern medicines that are capable of exerting such an effect on the body:

Atypical antipsychotics have such advantages:

Neuroleptics - indications for use

Drugs of this group are prescribed for neuroses of different etiology. They are used to treat patients of any age, including children and the elderly. Neuroleptics testimony have these:

Side Effects of Neuroleptics

The probability of developing an undesirable reaction depends on such factors:

More often such side effects of neuroleptics are manifested:

Significantly less pronounced is the action of neuroleptics:

The use of neuroleptics

There are several schemes for prescribing medicines for this group. Neuroleptic drugs can be used as follows:

  1. Quick method - the dose is brought to the optimal within 1-2 days, and after that the entire course of treatment is maintained at this level.
  2. Slow build-up implies a gradual increase in the amount of the drug taken. After the entire therapeutic period, it is maintained at an optimal level.
  3. Zigzag method - the patient takes the drug in high doses, then sharply reduces, and then increases again. This pace is the entire therapeutic course.
  4. Treatment with the drug with pauses in 5-6 days.
  5. Shock therapy - twice a week the patient takes the drug in very high doses. As a result, his body undergoes a chemoshock, and psychoses cease.
  6. Alternating method - the scheme by which various psychotropic medications are consistently applied.

Before appointing antipsychotics (the list of drugs is extensive), the doctor will conduct a checkup to determine if the patient has contraindications. From therapy with medications this group will have to refuse in each of such cases:

In addition, the neuroleptic effect of the drugs in this group depends on what medications are taken with them simultaneously. For example, if such a drug is drunk with antidepressants, this will lead to an intensification of the action of both the first and the second. With such a duet, constipation is often observed and blood pressure rises. However, there are undesirable (sometimes dangerous) combinations:

  1. Simultaneous reception of neuroleptics and benzodiazepines can provoke respiratory depression.
  2. Antihistamines in a duet with antipsychotics lead to a malfunction in the CNS.
  3. Insulin, anticonvulsant, antidiabetics and alcohol reduce the effectiveness of neuroleptics.
  4. Simultaneous administration of antipsychotics and tetracyclines increases the likelihood of liver damage by toxins.

How long can I take antipsychotics?

Scheme and duration of treatment is prescribed by the doctor. In some cases, the doctor, after analyzing the dynamics of therapy, can calculate that there is enough and a 6-week course. For example, so take sedative neuroleptics. However, in most cases this course is not enough to achieve a lasting result, so the doctor prescribes long-term therapy. In individual patients, it can last a lifetime (from time to time short breaks are made).

Removal of antipsychotics

After stopping the use of medication (this is most often observed when taking a representative of a typical group), the patient's condition may worsen. The neuroleptic withdrawal syndrome begins to manifest itself immediately. It is leveled within 2 weeks. To ease the patient's condition, the doctor can gradually translate it from antipsychotics to tranquilizers. In addition, the doctor in such cases still prescribes vitamins of group B.

Neuroleptic drugs - list

Antipsychotics are represented in a huge variety. The specialist has the opportunity to select the optimal neuroleptics for a particular patient - the list of drugs is always at hand. Before making an appointment, the doctor assesses the condition of the person applying to him and only after that makes a decision about which medication to prescribe to him. In the absence of the desired result, the neuroleptic may be reassigned by a specialist - the list of drugs will help to select a "replacement". At the same time, the doctor will prescribe the optimal dosage of the new medicine.

Generations of antipsychotics

Typical antipsychotics are represented by such drugs:

The most popular neuroleptics of the new generation without side effects:

Neuroleptics - list of products without prescriptions

There are few such medicines. However, one should not think that self-medication is safe for them: even antipsychotics dispensed without prescriptions should be taken under the supervision of a doctor. He knows the mechanism of action of these medicines and will recommend the optimal dosage. Neuroleptic drugs without prescriptions - a list of available medicines:

The best antipsychotics

The most safe and effective are considered atypical drugs. Neuroleptics of the new generation are more often prescribed: