What is the dream of a hurricane?

Hurricane is a natural phenomenon that destroys everything in its path. Many people, after seeing a dream about such a cataclysm, will by chance think about the possible danger that destiny has prepared for them. Do not get upset in advance, as many negative symbols, on the contrary, have a positive interpretation. To find out the exact information, use the proposed interpretations.

What is the dream of a hurricane?

Such dreams most often warn of troubles and misfortunes. If in a dream you died as a result of a hurricane - it is a harbinger of the fact that in the future you can seriously get sick. On the part of watching the hurricane, then in the future you will need to take responsibility for the performance of certain work. Dreams in which you saw a hurricane symbolize the presence of certain obstacles on the way to achieving the goals .

Why dream of getting into a hurricane, a tornado?

Often such a dream indicates that the case, from which you expected to get good results, will eventually end in failure. If you are captured by a tornado - this is a symbol of that you need to be careful, because raging passions will capture you, and you can make many mistakes.

What is the dream of the hurricane approaching, the storm?

If you hear the roar of the wind, then there is a painful waiting ahead of you, and you will make vain attempts to remedy the situation. The night vision, in which you see the approach of a hurricane and do nothing to hide, is an omen that some events can seriously frighten you.

Why dream of hiding from a hurricane, a tornado?

Such a dream is a symbol of the fact that in the future in a critical situation you can pull yourself together and cope with the difficult situation. Another dream book says that you have a natural sense of tact that helps you find a common language with any person.

Why the consequences of a strong hurricane?

Such a night vision predicts the successful completion of all cases. But there is also information that the consequences of the hurricane are a sign of the death of a loved one to whom you refused to help.

Why does the wind from the hurricane dream of destroying buildings?

Night dreams, in which a strong wind destroyed your house, will tell you that in the future you will often change your place of work and residence. Even similar dreams indicate that you are behaving in the wrong way in real life, and that it's time to reconsider your habits and views on life.