Cart for motoblock

The cart for the motor block is a hinged structure used to transport various loads. It has become very popular, since it greatly facilitates the process of agricultural work. In addition, it can also be used as a vehicle. You can buy ready-made equipment, but many prefer to make a cart with their own hands.

Dimensions of cart for motoblock

Trailers can be of different sizes and, depending on this, are divided into:

Dimensions of the cart for the motoblock depend on the carrying capacity for which it is designed. The standard average trailer withstands 250-500 kg of cargo and has the dimensions of the body:

In this case, the overall dimensions of such a cart will be:

The dimensions and load capacity of the trailer also determine its other characteristics. So, the cart on the motor-block can be without brakes, if it is designed for transportation of small loads. In the event that it is planned to transport the contents of a large weight, the presence and quality of the brakes are important. This is due to the fact that braking on a steep descent with a loaded cart is very dangerous. Therefore, as a rule, all trailers, which have a carrying capacity of more than 350 kg, are equipped with a mechanical brake drive.

The working speed of the motor block with the cart connected to it is about 10 km / h.

Carts for motoblock

In order to make a cart for a motoblock, you will need the following parts:

Having all the necessary spare parts for the cart for the motoblock, you can easily assemble it yourself.

How to fasten the cart to motoblock?

Mounting the cart to the motor block is carried out in the following way. Prepare a suitable console, which repeats the holder of the hovel. The lower part of the console looks like an axis with a rotating node around it.

It is recommended to lubricate the gap between the bearings to prevent the structure from breaking, and then cover with anthers. The dyshole is driven into the hollow longitudinal hinge and fixed with a locking ring.

Thus, the presence of a cart for a motoblock can greatly facilitate your work on cultivating the land , harvesting and carrying out other agricultural works.