When to pour cabbage on folk signs?

Various signs tell us a lot. They prompt the person how to proceed, what to do in this or that case. By following this information, you can easily accomplish any task, including cooking and making pickles. For example, many people want to know when to salt cabbage according to folk signs. It will help make the food really tasty, crunchy and fragrant. And what kind of person does not like sauerkraut with caraway seeds, cranberries or apples? This is a universal dish, which can be served as a snack, and used for cooking sour cabbage soup.

When do folk signs need to sour cabbage?

According to popular claims, you should make this workpiece on full moon days. You can determine them by the lunar calendar. It's great if these dates fall on Wednesday, Friday or Saturday. It is believed that if this folk word is observed, the salting of cabbage will pass quickly and easily, and the dish itself will turn out to be very crisp. Whether this is really so, it is difficult to say. But many people say that this statement is really "working" and when the sauerkraut is sucked according to this note, it turns out to be more juicy and crispy. Although, there are those people who claim that it is impossible to engage in salting on a full moon, on the contrary. This supposedly means to spoil the dish. Which of the signs to believe is unknown. There are fans of the same approach, and the other.

If, however, you decide to still trust that you should salt cabbage on a full moon, but it is not close, and you need to work on preparations now, do not be discouraged. There are other better days for pickling cabbage according to the signs. Such dates include the so-called "men days of the week". It's Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. By the way, according to folk signs, it is ideal if they fall on a new moon.

In the days mentioned, one can safely be engaged in sapling cabbage. It will not be any worse than the one that will be prepared on the full moon. Many people, by the way, prefer to wait until the new moon , which falls on the "men's day" and engage in workpieces on this date. They say cabbage is even better than in the full moon.

Which of the people's decisions to believe, everyone should decide independently. However, in many families there are also own traditions, including those concerning salting cabbage. Whether to use these "tips" or not, choose only you.