What is a strong person and what qualities should he possess?

Probably everyone has heard about strong personalities who have the will and self-confidence. Such people are able to quickly go to their goal and implement it. Happens not all is smooth and on a way there are difficulties. However, a strong personality does not fall in spirit and does not give up, because he knows that the goal will be achieved.

What does it mean to be a strong person?

In order to understand what kind of person can be considered strong, you can sometimes just look around. Such people radically stand out from their familiar surroundings. They have a firm gait, a clear voice, they have an idea of ​​what they want and are rapidly moving towards their goal. The question arises, why do some know what a strong person is and try to become one, while others still live their days in a solid gray mass, not noticing anyone and nothing around?

Qualities of a strong personality

To determine the qualities of a strong personality , you need to understand who it might be. A strong personality is a person with a strong-willed character, which the public sometimes does not understand and mocks. Often inhabitants condemn such people, trying on them "average statistical standards". In addition, non-standard thinking, special character traits, which distinguishes a strong person, can cause a negative reaction among others.

The main signs of a strong person:

What makes a person strong?

Everyone noticed that some people are self-confident and successful, they always keep the "mark", while others, having everything for complete happiness, continue to complain about life. They sometimes try to appear successful and strong personalities, but each new attempt to approach the goal ends with nothing, and they lack the spirit and willpower to make a new leap to get closer to the goal.

Why is this happening? The secret is simple! The first type is a strong person who has certain beliefs, habits and principles. They do not change their behavior in any situation, unlike the second type of people. They do not need to pretend or pretend that they are all well - this can be seen with the naked eye. An interesting fact is strong people, as a rule, simple and open people.

Habits of strong people

Every person with a strong character has his own rules, principles and habits. The main ones are:

Motivation of strong people

Many people want to change their lives for the better, but how to become a strong person knows not everyone. A few tips to help you become stronger:

How to become a strong person?

People who have firmly decided to change their lives, need to know how to become a psychologically strong person? Using a few simple tips, you can come to success:

  1. No pity for yourself (you need to learn to be responsible for your actions, and not "crying at the waistcoat" about injustice).
  2. Learn to love, appreciate and respect your life (you can not let someone dispose of it and manage it).
  3. Rethink life and fill it with positive, while getting rid of what does not suit.
  4. To love yourself and not try to please everyone (there will always be someone who will not have something to taste).
  5. Start to change on their own, do not wait for help from others.

Why are strong people lonely?

Many people at least once in their lives wondered why strong people are always lonely? It would seem that they have everything for a happy family life and a large circle of friends. However, there are several aspects that can explain this status of leaders. They have a certain model of the family and know exactly what the partner should be, but there is not enough time for him to search for a successful person. Friends of such personalities, too, not much. They do not hurry to make new acquaintances, and with "old" friends they have nothing in common.

Strong personalities of the world

"The world is very cruel" - so many can say, but only people who are not strong in spirit. An example of strong personalities can serve people who cause admiration and immeasurable respect:

  1. Nick Vuychich , born without upper and lower limbs, became a happy father and found his calling in life.
  2. Esther Werger is a tennis player from Holland, who plays in a wheelchair in which she is from the age of nine, after her legs were denied (the repeated world and Olympic champion).
  3. Jim Armstrong is a member of the Canadian Wheelchair Curling Team (after his wife's funeral, he brings up three children and continues his sports career) about - that's what a strong person is.
  4. Jessica Cox - a girl who was born without upper limbs, can drive a car and fly a plane and copes well with a computer keyboard.
  5. Ben Underwood , a teenager from California who confidently rode a bike, rollerblading, and practiced other sports familiar to boys of his age, is unique in that, at the age of 2, he was removed both eyes because of illness.

Movies about people who are strong in spirit

To some desperate to benefit from life, experienced psychologists advise watching movies about strong people:

  1. "Until I played in the box" - the film teaches you to appreciate every day, tk. no one knows how much ahead.
  2. "Surrogate" - a story about the uneasy relations of absolutely different people, is based on real events.
  3. "1 + 1" / Untouchables - the film teaches what a strong person is and how not to despair in different everyday situations, but to squeeze out the maximum.
  4. "Temple Grandin" - a film about an autistic girl who could prove to everyone that the disease is not an obstacle to learning and self-realization.

Books about people who are strong in spirit

Develop and improve always, every free moment. Read books about strong people will help to take a fresh look at some life situations and reassess values:

  1. "Psychology of influence" - teaches correctly to perceive auditory and visual information and to find the only correct decision, not connected with the stereotype and the society.
  2. "How to stop being afraid and start a life" - teaches how to reveal your inner potential and choose the right way in life .
  3. "Men from Mars, Women from Venus" - will help to understand the perception of the opposite sex and the associated difficulties, strengthen relationships with the other half.
  4. "Psychology of lies" - teaches strong people to recognize liars by their gestures and facial expressions.