Strong personality

Self-confidence, self-sufficiency, rationalism, decision-making speed, independence, fearlessness - you would not mind possessing all these flattering qualities, is not it? If you miss out on a long list of adjectives, you can say it much easier - we all like to be strong personalities, and involuntarily, we evaluate all the surrounding people by having "points" of a strong personality.

What determines a strong personality?

Believe me, no matter how unconvincing it sounded, any person with strong personality traits at times feels uncomfortable in the form of restraint, excitement, confusion. Simply a strong personality knows how not to show them every second, and we are losing so many wonderful opportunities in life only because of the "stumbling tongue", "crimson cheeks", "podkashivayuschihsya legs."

Let's see what kind of psychology is guided by a strong personality.


How much you value yourself is a direct indicator of whether you are self-confident and, accordingly, whether you are a strong person.

Self-evaluation is the evaluation of certain functional features by a person (assessment of appearance, mind, charisma). The totality of such "self-assessments" is an indicator of low or high self-esteem.

Also for our self-esteem is the opinion of others. People who say that they have absolutely nothing to do with what the neighbor thinks about them with three floors above simply disingenuous. In fact, we are all trying to find out what they think of us: we learn good things - we increase our self-esteem, we learn the bad, we'll lower it.

Most often we learn just the bad, because people think and talk about others badly, to raise their own self-esteem and, therefore, to become a stronger confident person.

So, high self-esteem is the main quality of a strong personality.


Believe me, nothing difficult in how to raise a strong personality - no. Just have to learn how to seem. When we "seem", our inner one tries to catch up for the outside, so it happens and vice versa, because the body always strives for harmony.

So, what should be a strong personality (how should behave to appear and become a strong personality):