Leadership Quality Test

To be a leader is an important skill that can greatly facilitate the life of its owner, and even leadership positions without this quality can not be dispensed with. Therefore, when applying for top positions in questionnaires, questions are asked to identify leadership qualities, some companies use psychological tests for this purpose. But even if you do not pretend to leadership positions, the development of leadership qualities will not hurt. A test for determining leadership qualities, will help with the identification of the front of the work to come.

Leadership Test

This technique is aimed at identifying leadership qualities of a person, includes 50 questions that you need to answer only "yes" or "no."

  1. Are you often in the spotlight?
  2. Do many of the people around you have a higher position than you?
  3. If you are at a meeting with people equal to you in terms of service, do you feel the urge not to speak out even when it is required?
  4. As a child, did you enjoy directing the games of friends?
  5. Do you enjoy it when you persuade your opponent?
  6. You were called an indecisive person ?
  7. Do you think that the most useful in the world we owe only to a small group of outstanding people?
  8. Do you need an advisor so that he can direct your professional activity?
  9. Have you ever lost your composure when dealing with people?
  10. Do you like that people around you are afraid?
  11. Do you always try to take center stage at the table to control the situation?
  12. Do you think that people make an impressive impression?
  13. Do you consider yourself a dreamer?
  14. Are you easily lost if others disagree with you?
  15. Have you engaged in the organization of sports, work collectives and teams on personal initiative?
  16. If you fail the event, the organization of which you were engaged, you will be happy to make someone else guilty of this?
  17. Do you think that the real leader, first of all, should be able to do the work himself, which he manages and participate in it?
  18. Do you like working with humble people more?
  19. Do you try to avoid sharp discussions?
  20. As a child, did you often feel the power of your father?
  21. In discussions on a professional topic, do you know how to persuade those who disagree with you?
  22. Imagine that you lost your way, walking with your friends in the woods. Will you give an opportunity to decide the most competent of you?
  23. You agree with the proverb: "It is better to be first in the village than in the city second"?
  24. Do you think that you influence others?
  25. Failure in the manifestation of the initiative can you for ever discourage the desire to do so?
  26. Do you consider the true leader of the one who shows the greatest competence?
  27. Do you always try to appreciate and understand people?
  28. Do you respect discipline ?
  29. Would you prefer to have a leader who decides everything himself, without listening to anyone's opinion?
  30. Do you think that for the institution in which you work, the collegial leadership style is better than authoritarian?
  31. Do you often feel that others abuse you?
  32. You are more suited to the characteristic "Loud voice, expressive gestures, for words in your pocket will not climb" than "Calm quiet voice, restrained, unhurried, thoughtful"?
  33. If at the meeting with your opinion do not agree, but it seems to you the only true one, would you prefer not to say anything?
  34. Do you subordinate the behavior of other people and your interests to the work you are doing?
  35. Do you feel anxious if you have a responsible and important task?
  36. Do you prefer to work under a good man's independent work?
  37. Do you agree that for a successful family life, a decision should be made by one of their spouses?
  38. Did they buy anything by succumbing to the convictions of other people, and not by their own needs?
  39. Do you think your organizational skills are above average?
  40. Are you usually discouraged by difficulties?
  41. Do you make sharp accusations against people who deserve it?
  42. Do you think that your nervous system can withstand the stresses of life?
  43. If you need to reorganize your institution, will you make changes immediately?
  44. You will be able to interrupt an excessively chatty interlocutor, if this is required?
  45. Do you agree that for happiness you need to live imperceptibly?
  46. Do you think that every person has to do something outstanding?
  47. Would you prefer to become an artist (composer, scientist, poet) rather than a team leader?
  48. Do you prefer to listen to a powerful and solemn music than a lyrical and quiet music?
  49. Do you feel excitement waiting for an important meeting?
  50. Do you often meet people with a will stronger than yours?

After the test to identify the leadership qualities passed, it's time to start counting the scores. Set yourself one point for positive answers to questions under the numbers: 1-2, 4, 5, 7, 10-12, 15, 20, 21, 23, 24, 26, 28, 31-34, 37, 39, 41 -43, 46, 48. Also, evaluate one point with the answers "no" to the questions: 3, 6, 8, 9, 13, 14, 16-19, 22, 25, 27, 29, 30, 35, 36, 38, 40, 44, 56, 47, 49, 50. For non-matched answers do not charge points. Calculate the total amount of points and get acquainted with the assessment of their leadership qualities.

  1. Less than 25 points: leadership qualities are poorly expressed, they should be developed.
  2. From 25 to 35 points: leadership qualities are developed medium, this level is sufficient for middle managers.
  3. From 36 to 40 points: leadership qualities are well developed, you are the perfect top manager.
  4. More than 40 points: you are undoubted leader, inclined to dictate. Perhaps it's time to change something.

If the diagnosis of leadership qualities has shown their lack, do not be upset, if you want, they can be developed.