Cognitive dissonance in psychology - causes and symptoms

Every person has experienced a strange feeling at least once in his life, when new information does not correspond to the idea and knowledge about it, received earlier. In 1944, Fritz Haider was the first to define cognitive dissonance, and Leon Festinger in 1957 developed his theory.

Cognitive dissonance - what is it?

After studying the basic principles of the theory, psychologists came to the conclusion that cognitive dissonance is a psychological discomfort caused by a discrepancy between existing concepts, concepts and incoming new information. To the frequent causes of the conflict , these motives and aspects of non-compliance lead:

Cognitive dissonance - psychology

Each individual accumulates some experience for a certain period of time. However, overcoming the time intervals, he is forced to function according to existing circumstances, which do not fit in with the knowledge gained previously. This causes internal psychological discomfort, for the relaxation of which it is necessary to find a compromise. Cognitive dissonance in psychology - this means trying to explain the cause of a person's actions, his actions in a variety of life situations.

Causes of cognitive dissonance

The phenomenon of cognitive dissonance may appear for several reasons. To the most common provoking factors, psychologists include the following:

Cognitive dissonance - symptoms

The state of cognitive dissonance can manifest itself in different ways. The majority of the first signals appear in the labor process. Difficult brain activity, and situations that require analysis, can get out of control. New information is perceived with great difficulty, and a conclusion is a problem. In later stages, the speech function may be disturbed, while it becomes difficult for a person to formulate a thought, to pick up the right words and simply to pronounce them.

Cognitive dissonance puts the main blow to memory. The events that are happening recently are erased first. The next alarm is the disappearance of memories from youth and childhood. Less common, however, it must be taken into account - the lack of ability to concentrate attention . It becomes difficult for a person to grasp the essence of the conversation, constantly asks to repeat some sentences or separate phrases. All these symptoms indicate the need for consultation with a neurologist.

Cognitive dissonance - species

Many psychologists believe that emotion is not a mental state, but a response of the human body to a specific situation. There is a theory according to which cognitive-emotional dissonance is defined as a state with negative emotions that occurs when you receive psychologically contradictory information. Change the situation will help the situation in which the expected results will appear.

Cognitive dissonance - treatment

Cognitive dissonance of the personality is directly related to the causes of the violation. Therapy should be aimed at correcting and eliminating pathological conditions in the brain. To treat the underlying disease, improve and restore cognitive functions, specialists prescribe a number of drugs that have neuroprotective properties. This helps prevent cognitive impairment in the future.

Cognitive dissonance - books

It is believed that the book is the best source of knowledge. Many works have been published, in which the concept of cognitive dissonance, intrapersonal conflict and disharmony (in Latin translation), is described. Various sources list the types of mental states, the causes of the appearance and ways of dealing with some of them. The main publications of psychologists include:

  1. "Theory of cognitive dissonance" Leon Festinger. The book had a significant impact on the development of social psychology in the world. Several key questions have been analyzed and described in detail. For example, the concept of cognitive dissonance and its theory, the peculiarity of social and psychological phenomena, techniques and techniques of psychological influence.
  2. "Psychology of influence" Robert Chaldini. Most domestic and Western psychologists have recognized the best manual on conflictology, social psychology and management.
  3. "Cognitive dissonance" Alina Marchik. Everything should be harmonious (feelings, emotions, beliefs) otherwise the person is guaranteed discomfort, from which he gets rid in different ways. The new action movie with the elements of the detective will be appreciated by fans of riddles and puzzles - it is impregnated with stories and adventures. The author gave a riddle, which can be as many answers as people read a book. And what did the main characters do?