You will be shocked to find out who this guy has sheltered!

And what would you do if you saw on the cold ground a small defenseless creature, who is from the family or a few days, or a couple of hours? Would you pick him up? Or, after learning what it is, left to die?

This situation occurred with Jeff Longo. It was another sunny day in Florida, which, it would seem, was similar to all the previous ones. But suddenly on the sidewalk the guy saw a tiny creature that barely breathed. Moreover, this little miracle lay under the scorching rays!

Well, how could you pass by here? Jeff knew that if he did not help, this kid certainly would not survive. Would know this young man, what will turn his find ...

Looking at these photos, it looks like you have an alien cub in front of you. The body of the foundling is covered with a short fur, on the paws one could see tiny nails, a long antennae adorned the muzzle, and the kid himself was blind.

If you consider that this foundling was the size of Jeff's little finger, you could assume that it's a rat, well, or a baby of another little animal. Although nature is an amazing thing. For example, a baby kangaroo is born the size of a rice seed, and therefore it is impossible to say exactly who Jeff was holding.

And what do we do when we do not know something? That's right, go for help to Uncle Google. However, Jeff's search requests did not give him the desired result. But do not throw this little child out onto the street now? Jeff decided that, no matter who the little one, he would help him turn into a charming animal.

There were days. Jeff Longo never realized who he had settled in his house. Every day the boy took care of the baby, fed it with special mixtures, however, designed for growing puppies. And every day the crumb turned into a pretty beast. By the way, in the below photo you can see how the brute force Jeff feeds the shaggy with special milk.

Jeff had no experience of courtship for such small animals. But, despite this, for 3 months he did everything possible to find the youngster grew up healthy. It is interesting that he fascinated this charming woman with Biscuit.

So, who was this Biscuit? To what animals could it be attributed? After all, over time his body began to become covered with thick fur, and therefore it was possible to weed out the initial assumption that it was a rat.

Just look at this photo! Well, is not he wonderful?

Of course, Jeff was uneasy. The guy did not know whom he was raising. It is not enough, but suddenly Biscuit grows a dangerous predator, from which you should stay away? But Jeff and his dog were attached to fuzzy, so I did not want to think that sooner or later I'll have to say goodbye to this handsome man.

Biscuit throughout the house "tail" went for Jeff. Over time, the guy began to wear this in his breast pocket. Every day Biscuit grew, his fur became thicker. Longo thought that under the same roof with him live a village squirrel, but it was not there ...

Over time, Jeff managed to figure out who this animal is, once dying on the sidewalk under the scorching sunlight. Interestingly, but you will guess who the guy has sheltered? So, Biscuit had a long tail, covered with thick fur, rounded ears, small paws with short, curved, but sharp, claws. Biscuit had a wide skin fold between the front and back legs, a flying membrane that plays the role of a parachute. Well, you guessed it? It's a lover of jumping and flying - a flying squirrel or, as it is also called, a flying squirrel! Ta-da-m-m-m! And here is the photo evidence.

Once Jeff understood this, he was able to create for Biscuit the necessary conditions for a normal life and provide the ideal food. So, this fluffy handsome man is crazy about fruits, seeds and nuts. Moreover, having learned that the flying squirrels live in hollows of trees, nesting hollows of woodpeckers, the guy hung a special warm bag in the cage of a rodent.

Do you think Biscuit lives in a small cage? Just look at this penthouse! In addition, often Jeff releases his new pet and allows him to explore the entire apartment. The guy so fell in love with this animal that, in order to facilitate the flight of the fly through the rooms, Longo covered the furniture with a cloth. However, every day Jeff increasingly asked himself the question: "Do I need to release Biscuit?".

Of course, many would have voted for the fact that it's time to let the fluff loose, into its natural habitat. True, there is one "but" and it is that Biscuit grew in captivity and in nature can die ... Moreover, Biscuit was used to Jeff, to his dog, and he is not even afraid of strangers!

Jeff decided to take care of this little miracle in the future. If one day he did not intervene, did not pick up from the earth almost lifeless Biscuits, then who knows if this fuzzy would survive or not. But now the belch has a dad and a best friend.

I want to say thank you to Jeff, who found the fly, took him under his care, went out here is such a handsome man. And thanks to Biscuit for the proof that the process of natural selection is erroneous. Thank them both for such a touching story, proving that our world is not without good people.