21 uniqueness: people whose abilities seem unreal

Polyglot, heat generator, magnet, amphibian, computer. Do not understand what can be common between these words? And it's all about people who have incredible abilities.

All people are different, but among us there are real unicums with incredible abilities. Their phenomenon is actively studied by scientists, but some individuals are still a mystery to all. We suggest to get acquainted with these unique people.

1. The Amphibian Man

Diver from Denmark Stig Severinsen is known for his ability to hold his breath underwater for as long as 22 minutes, while a typical average person can not stand a few minutes. Swimming exercises are part of his life from the age of six. In his piggy bank a lot of records, for example, he could, wearing a wet suit and fins, swim under water 152 meters in 2 minutes. 11 seconds

2. X-ray girl

At 10 years, a resident of Saransk, Natalia Demkina, found herself able to see people through, that is, she can look at the condition of internal organs, identify existing problems and so on. People began to turn to her for help, and they argue that everything the girl said was true. In 2004 Natalia took part in the experiment, which was organized by the British media. She described in detail all the injuries that were received by a woman as a result of a car accident. Demkina decided to dedicate her life to medicine.

3. The human camera

Artist Stephen Wiltshire is an autistic, but he has an incredible memory. He can draw a landscape in the smallest detail, seeing it only once. It feels like he is recording everything, and then reproduces it. He was able to create detailed panoramas of Tokyo, Rome and New York, and before flying to work, just flew over them in a helicopter. The image of the capital of America can be seen on a giant billboard at the International Airport named after J. Kennedy.

4. Megascavant

Let's start with the definition, so, the savant is a person with incredible abilities, caused by the pathology of the brain. Lawrence Kim Peak was the only person in the world who had the ability to simultaneously read with each eye two pages of the book. His father told me that Lawrence began to memorize everything from 16 months ago. He quickly read the books and memorized the contents the first time. By the way, Kim Peak is the prototype of the protagonist of the famous movie "The Man of the Rain."

5. Eagle's sight

With her unique vision, the German Veronica Sider attracted the attention of others when she was studying at the university. She could easily see a person who was 1.6 km away from her. For information: the average person can hardly examine the details at a distance of 6 m. Studies have shown that her vision is 20 times better than that of other people, so it is compared with a telescope.

6. Long-term insomnia

In 1973, a Vietnamese resident experienced a fever, after which he developed a severe form of insomnia. First, Ngoc Thai thought that this was a temporary phenomenon, but more than 40 years had passed, and he had never slept. Studies of doctors have not found serious health problems, while the man himself says that he is irritable because of lack of sleep. Doctors believe that Thay so long lives without rest, thanks to a phenomenon like micro-sleep, when due to extreme fatigue a person falls asleep for just a couple of seconds.

7. The man-magnet

In Malaysia resides with a very ordinary man - Lew Tou Lin, but he has a unique ability. His body, like a magnet, attracts different metal objects. His ability to Lew discovered only in 60 years, when the tools began to stick to his hands. Experiments were conducted and it was established that the Malaysian can hold up to 36 kg without hands on his body. In addition, he managed to drag a real car with his magnetism. Scientists in perplexity conducted research and did not find a male magnetic field in the body.

8. Gutta Percha the boy

From an early age, Daniel Smith discovered the ability to twist his body, and when he became an adult, he began touring with a circus troupe and became very popular because he took part in various performances and TV programs. In the Guinness Book of Records, there are several records of Daniel. He not only can turn into different knots and compositions, but also move the heart along the chest. Doctors say that Daniel received good flexibility from birth, and then worked hard and developed his abilities to incredible heights.

9. The human computer

Incredible mathematical abilities were possessed by Shakuntala Devi. From early childhood, my father taught her card tricks, and after a while she memorized the cards much better than her parent. She was amazed at the ability to produce incredible mathematical calculations not only by teachers in school, but also by people performing street performances. Her name is in the Guinness Book of Records, since Devi was able to multiply two 13-digit numbers in just 28 seconds. Shakuntala took part in an experiment where she competed with the computer UNIVAC 1101. She was able to extract the root of the 23-degree from the 201-digit number in only 50 seconds, and the technique took 62 seconds.

10. Does not feel pain

Since childhood, Tim Creedland realized that he did not feel pain and began to show his skills to everyone. At school, he frightened classmates and teachers, piercing his hands with needles. Now Tim is taking part in various entertainment programs in America, mocking his body. It is worth noting that Tim approaches this seriously and carefully studied the human anatomy to ensure safety, since he only has a high pain threshold, and traumas remain with him, like all people.

11. The lover of iron

The French artist Michel Litoto was known for having any objects, for example glass or metal, without any harm to the digestive system. The people around him nicknamed him "Mr. Omnivore". Doctors explained this phenomenon by the presence of very thick walls of the stomach and intestines. According to the existing information, from 1959 to 1997 he ate about 9 tons of metal. During his extreme meal, he broke off pieces of iron and ate them, washed down with water and mineral oil. It took him two years to eat the whole Cessna-150 airplane.

12. The King of Bees

Usually people are afraid of bees as a fire, which can not be said of Norman Gary, who is a beekeeper and an ardent lover of these insects. He can control and control a huge swarm of bees, holding them on his body. It is interesting that such friendship with insects allowed Norman to take part in the filming of several films, for example, "X-Files" and "Invasion of Bees' Girls."

13. Generates heat by hand

A well-known person in China is Zhou Ting Jue who deals with kung fu, tai chi and qigong. A man is able to generate heat through the palms and he is enough to boil water. Another of its unique ability is to shift the weight of the body from the legs to the chest area. Thanks to this, he can stand on a piece of paper and do not push it. In addition, Zhou claims that he is a healer and can even dissolve tumors. He was approached by famous people for help, so there is information that he even treated the Dalai Lama.

14. The Man-Vacuum Cleaner

Wei Mingtang accidentally discovered his unusual talent - to inflate the balls and extinguish the candles with the help of his ears. Since that time, he began to develop his skills, for example, began to use a small tube and with its help began to inflate balloons. He speaks at various events, entertaining the audience. Wei even sets records, for example, with his ears he could blow out 20 candles in 20 seconds.

15. The Iceman

A huge number of records associated with the cold, established Wim Hof. His body can tolerate very low temperatures, so he could climb Mount Everest and Kilimanjaro, wearing only shorts and boots. In addition, he ran a marathon in the Arctic Circle and through the Namib desert without water. In the Guinness Book of Records, there is his achievement - Wim Hof ​​was able to plunge into the ice for 1 hour 44 minutes.

16. Using echolocation

In Sacramento, a boy was born, who was found to have a rare disease - retinal cancer. As a result, Benu Underwood doctors removed eyeballs. At the same time the guy lived a full life, not having a guide dog and even a cane. Ben with the help of the tongue made clicks, and their sound reflected from the nearest objects, helping to understand what needs to be bypassed. Doctors believe that the brain of a unique boy himself learned to translate sounds into visual information. Similar abilities have bats and dolphins. The guy, like the animals, seized the echo, and determined the exact location of the nearest objects.

17. A unique marathon runner

Admire people who run a marathon? And you imagine that Dean Carnaces was able to stop without stopping and rest for three days. He was able to most difficult endurance test - he ran a marathon at the South Pole without snowshoes at a temperature of minus 25 ° C. In 2006, he set another record by running a marathon to 50 states in America, spending 50 days on it.

18. Super hard teeth

A resident of Malaysia Radhakrishnan Velu wears the title of "King of the Tooth", because he is able to drag a huge weight with his teeth. In 2007, he set one of his many records - stretched the train consisting of six cars. Doctors have not yet been able to solve the secret of the man, but he is sure that everything is due to a healthy lifestyle, meditation and regular training.

19. Unusual polyglot

If a person has more than three languages, he is already called a polyglot, but this is incomparable with the result of Harold Williams, who knew 58 languages, yes, this is not a typo. He said that since his early childhood he was interested in languages. He used his knowledge in diplomacy, as he could communicate with all representatives of the delegation of the League of Nations in their native language.

20. Musician with synaesthesia

Under such a concept as "synaesthesia", understand the intersection of the senses. For example, a person eating something red can feel the taste of another product, or there are people who can feel colors with closed eyes. Elizabeth Sulser is a musician whose eyesight, hearing and taste are mixed. Thanks to this, she can see the color of the sound wave and understand the taste of music. It sounds incredible, but it's a fact. She considered her abilities normal for a long time. They help her compose melodies from flowers.

21. High-speed samurai

Isao Machia is a Japanese master of Iaido, he is able to move with incredible speed. A modern samurai was able to cut a flying bullet into pieces. The action was filmed on camera, and to see the movement of the sword the movie was slowed down 250 times. In the Guinness Book of Records, there are several of his achievements, for example, he performed the fastest thousand sword strokes and was able to cut a tennis ball moving at a speed of 820 km / h.