Treatment of osteochondrosis at home

The pathological process in various departments of the spine should undergo complex therapy, which includes not only taking medications. Treatment of osteochondrosis at home also involves diet, exercise, the use of special devices to support the spinal column.

Self-treatment of osteochondrosis at home

The traditional methodology for combating the disease under consideration includes:

Among the effective analgesic medicines with anti-inflammatory effect for oral administration is:

Also, in the treatment of osteochondrosis, ointments that warm up and locally irritate help:

It is not superfluous to add to the complex medicines from a number of chondroprotectors (chondroitin, chondroxide) and vitamins, mainly group B (Neurovitan, Milgama).

It is important to monitor the correct position of the body in a dream, if necessary, change the mattress to orthopedic mattress, purchase a low pillow. In addition, daily walks are recommended, charging every morning, observing a diet rich in protein and vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Self-massage is also not a challenge. It is not necessary to have special skills, enough intense rubbing and stroking of the sore spot to improve blood circulation in the affected area.

Physiotherapy involves the presence of some devices - medical magnets, applicator Kuznetsova or Lyapko.

The situation is more complicated with gymnastics, because for different zones the complex of exercises differs.

Treatment of cervico-brachial osteochondrosis

In addition to the above methods, to cope with the disease, you should perform gymnastics, which improves the flow of blood to the vertebrae, increasing the mobility and flexibility of the muscles.

Treatment of cervical and shoulder osteochondrosis at home includes such exercises:

With the described form of pathology, Chinese manual techniques of self-massage, acupuncture are very effective.

Treatment of an exacerbation of an osteochondrosis of a thoracal department

In this case, the gym should be selected individually, depending on the intensity of the inflammatory process. Performing inappropriate exercises can cause deterioration of the spine and mobility. Therefore, physical education must be coordinated with an orthopedist.

In osteochondrosis of the thoracic region, pain relief plasters (Olfen, Nanoplast) are excellent, as well as wearing a special corset. This device produces effective support of the spinal column, easing the load on the joints.

Home treatment of osteochondrosis in the lumbosacral region

The presented localization of the pathological process is considered to be the most severe, as often the pain syndrome extends to the lower extremities, affects the kidneys and digestive system.

During therapy, special attention should be paid to the gymnastics aimed at developing the lumbar muscles and increasing their elasticity (circular rotation of the pelvis, stretching, tilt-type "mill"), as well as stabilization of the correct position of the spine, reducing the load on it.