Psoriatic arthritis - treatment

Treatment of psoriatic arthritis is not an easy process, which combines measures to improve the joints, get rid of skin manifestations of psoriasis and restorative means. You can significantly improve your health by using medication and folk methods.

Treatment of psoriatic arthritis with folk remedies

In the initial stage of the disease, folk treatment of psoriatic arthritis is justified. It consists in observing the diet in order to reduce the manifestations of psoriasis and the means for relieving pain and inflammation in the joints. Patients are encouraged to eat fractional, but often avoid the following foods:

To remove the swelling from the joint and reduce pain, cold compresses can be used. The most popular of them is a frozen broth chamomile pharmacy.

Warm compresses and wraps normalize motor functions:

  1. Rub grated raw carrots on a grater.
  2. Mix in equal proportions the juice of aloe and lemon. Add carrot pulp.
  3. Heat the water, pour into a plastic bottle.
  4. Put on the sick joint a medical mixture, cover with a food film, on top attach a bottle of hot water, or a heating pad.
  5. The procedure lasts 15-20 minutes and should be repeated twice a day throughout the week.

In the early stages, you can combine folk methods with the use of pharmaceutical products. First of all - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

How to treat psoriatic arthritis at home?

If the disease progresses rapidly, it is very important to relieve the inflammation of the joint. Without the use of medicines, this is almost impossible. To date, the most common way to treat arthritis at home is using special ointments. One of the most effective is Arava. The use of Arava in psoriatic arthritis is also justified by the fact that the preparation not only eliminates the swelling of the joint and restores its motor activity, but also relieves pain. Also, this medicine reduces skin irritation and prevents peeling.

Supplement the treatment can be Sulfasalazine. This is a strong antimicrobial antiseptic drug, which is often prescribed for psoriasis. In the complex, both of these agents are quite able to alleviate the condition of the patient at home. Apply the ointment alternately, in a thin layer, several times a day. The gap between the use of drugs should not be less than 30-40 minutes. Sulfasalazine in psoriatic arthritis is an auxiliary component, but it is this medicine that can significantly improve the patient's quality of life.

In advanced cases, doctors recommend the treatment of psoriatic arthritis with methotrexate. This drug is commonly used in the treatment of cancer, it stops the growth of tumor cells. In psoriatic arthritis, its action is directed to stop tissue necrosis and preserve the integrity of the joint. Applying Methotrexate , you can slow down the deformation of the tissues and prolong the motor activity for a rather long period. The drug is effective in the complex therapy of psoriasis, it is often supplemented by Pyrogenal. Both those and other tablets are released at the pharmacy strictly according to the doctor's prescription.

Often, the therapy of psoriatic arthritis also includes the use of corticosteroids and other synthetic analogues of adrenal hormones. This allows you to reduce the pain syndrome and relieve the inflammation of the joint. Recently, there are also popular drugs that operate at the molecular level. These are so-called bio-agents, Remicade drugs and Humir.