Treatment of head skin seborrhea

Seborrhea is a dermatological disease that is associated with a violation of the sebaceous glands.

It can be of three types:

Means for treating seborrhea

To date, drugs have not been invented that would normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, so treatment of seborrhea should be aimed at correcting the manifestations of individual symptoms. For example, in the treatment of seborrhea of ​​the scalp, specific antifungal agents are primarily used. In this case, shampoos are used that contain antifungal components such as cyclopyrox or ketoconazole, as well as tar and zinc pyrithione.

Most often, Shampoo Sebazol and Nizoral are used for these purposes. They are applied to the scalp 2 times a week for 1 month of treatment. At the stage of stabilization of clinical manifestations, the use of shampoo once a week for the preventive treatment of seborrhea on the head is often sufficient.

Treatment of dry seborrhea

With this variety of seborrhea, hair and skin lack fat, and it is desirable to fill it up in some measure.

For the treatment of dry head seborrhea, medicinal plants can be used not only in the form of aqueous procedures (rubbing infusions and decoctions or washing their heads), but also in the form of thicker dosage forms - creams and oils. This achieves reimbursement of a shortage of fat, and in addition, an increase in the duration of contact of medicinal preparations with the skin. Using creams and oils, you need to follow a number of rules. Do not rub too hard, because at the same time pulled and break the hair. Rubbing should be carefully, but gently, for a duration of at least 15 minutes. Such a massage will improve the blood circulation of the skin. Cream or oil should be taken a very small amount, so as not to contaminate the hair.

Treatment of oily seborrhea

With oily seborrhea, the elasticity of the skin falls, the mouth of the sebaceous gland expands. The skin is shiny, and the hair becomes very greasy. A similar condition can cause the appearance of purulent inflammation, stopping the development of which is quite difficult.

In the treatment of oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp, you can help the onion juice.

Recipe: 1 table. spoon of juice mixed with 2 table. spoons of vodka. We rub before washing the head for 3-4 months.

Seborrhea - treatment with folk remedies

The choice of means for seborrhea is very great. But recently, more and more often talking about her treatment with tea tree oil. Oil gained its authority thanks to the antifungal effect. But, unfortunately, it does not have pronounced anti-inflammatory qualities, so it can not be chosen to treat seborrhea.

Quite effective broths of herbs, which are used in the form of wet-drying dressings and lotions with an active inflammatory process. They give a good drying effect. For injured skin with itching, you can use diluted lemon juice to wipe the itchy areas.

Treatment of oily seborrhea of ​​the head with folk methods:

Treatment of dry head seborrhea with folk remedies:

1 table. a spoon of honey is mixed with 1 teaspoon of aloe and 1 teaspoon of castor oil until a uniform consistency is obtained. The composition is rubbed into the scalp, from above is covered with polyethylene, on which a towel is wrapped for warming. Keep the mask for 20 minutes, then rinse with shampoo for greasy hair.