Transparent snot

In the normal state, a certain amount of mucus is constantly released in the nose of the person, which serves to humidify the inhaled air and as a protective barrier. Soples in humans appear when, for whatever reason, the release of mucus increases dramatically. This phenomenon is a protective reaction of the body to the influence of unfavorable factors. In a healthy person, the mucus secreted in the nose is clear, colorless, and a change in its color indicates a bacterial or infectious lesion. Therefore, transparent snot, usually harmless, although they can cause considerable discomfort.

The causes of the appearance of transparent snot

Here's what can cause clear discharge from the nose:

  1. Overcooling or sudden changes in ambient temperatures. In this case, the increase in mucus secretion is a natural protective reaction of the body, which passes quickly enough.
  2. Cold and various SARS. At the beginning of the disease, the liquid is more transparent than the snot in large quantities. Depending on the timeliness of the treatment of the underlying disease, they either go through, or become thick and can change color with the aggravation of the disease.
  3. The influence of external factors - dust, smoke, irritants.
  4. An allergic rhinitis. Can be both chronic and seasonal.
  5. Chronic rhinitis, caused by the constant impact of any irritating factors or physical defects.

In most cases, the transparent snot is quite liquid, and the nose in such cases is not based on their accumulation, but due to irritation and edema of the mucosa .

Than to treat transparent snot?

Treatment of the common cold directly depends on the cause, which caused the appearance of transparent snot:

  1. Allergic manifestations. They are treated with antihistamines. The rhinitis does not require separate treatment and passes along with other symptoms of allergy.
  2. The influence of traumatic factors (dust, corrosive substances, etc.). Effective washing of the nose with water or a special solution, as well as the use of drops (often on an oily basis), which will reduce irritations.
  3. Colds. Treatment of the common cold is one of the elements of complex treatment of the underlying disease. Used washing, rinsing, inhalation, special drops and sprays, sometimes antibacterial drugs.

To eliminate nasal congestion, regardless of the cause, vasoconstrictive drugs may be used, such as: