Eye drops Aktipol

There are many eye diseases, each of which is quite serious, and therefore requires an appeal to the ophthalmologist. If the doctor prescribed you eye drops Aktipol, this article may be useful. Consider the features of the drug and its effect.

Composition and action

The drug is released at a concentration of 0.007% in convenient bottles with a dropper. The main substance in the composition of drops, as the instruction for the use of Aktipol, is para-aminobenzoic acid. Water and sodium chloride were used as auxiliary components.

Actives act like drops:

The medicine perfectly stimulates regeneration processes, due to which the wound and corneal lesions heal faster. Drops allow to restore the water-salt balance on the surface of the mucous membrane, to eliminate the swelling caused by the action of the viral infection.

Indications for use

Instruction to the drug Aktipol allows the use of eye drops to treat a number of diseases:

  1. Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the mucous eye that is caused by an infection. If its nature is viral, which often happens with a cold, then drops for eyes Aktipol will help get rid of redness and swelling, while reducing the activity of viruses.
  2. Keratoconjunctivitis - if the inflammation of the mucous eye is accompanied by inflammation of the cornea, Aktipol will help remove redness and painful symptoms. The disease is caused, as a rule, by the viruses herpes zoster and herpes simplex, as well as adenovirus. Consequently, the antiviral effect of drops is apropos.
  3. Keratopathy is a condition in which the cornea is affected so that the permeability of its cells, as well as of the cells of the conjunctiva, is impaired. The cause of such a disease can be a trauma to the eye, a transferred operation or, again, an infection. As the instruction to the drug says, Aktipol renews the permeability of cells, triggering the mechanisms of regeneration.
  4. Burns and eye trauma - if the cornea is damaged by thermal or mechanical factors, the Aktipol drops are irreplaceable due to their regenerating effect. It is appropriate to use them for allergies.

Additional indications

Aktipol drops not only treat the above mentioned diseases, but also help to cope with high eye fatigue. If you work a lot in front of a computer monitor, then the so-called dry eye syndrome will help to eliminate these drops. They not only moisten the mucous membrane, but also relieve eye fatigue.

For people who wear contact lenses, eye drops Aktipol can help avoid irritation and adapt to lenses as quickly as possible.

A special feature of the drug is its selective action: it affects only the damaged tissues, without affecting the healthy at the same time.

How to use Aktipol?

The scheme of treatment will be offered by the doctor if it is a case of infectious diseases of the conjunctiva and the cornea. To combat dry eye syndrome the drug is used 3 - 8 times during the working day, digging into the conjunctival bag 2 drops of Aktipol.

The only contraindication to the use of this medication is his individual intolerance. Future and lactating mothers ophthalmologists are also advised to use Aktipol drops, because the effect of their use is many times greater than the risk for the child.

Often instead of drops Aktipol prescribed analogs: or Ophthalmoferon, or Poludan, or Okoferon. The appropriateness of using each of them is determined by the doctor. To combat dry eyes, due to the long work at the computer, drops "Artificial tears" are effective, which can be used literally every hour.