Through how much does Senada work?

Senada is a known laxative. Its huge advantage is in plant origin. The fact, after how long the Senada acts, determines the indications for the use of the drug. The latter are somewhat different from most other laxatives.

How does Senada work?

The main active ingredient in tablets - and is manufactured exclusively in the form of tablets Senate - an extract obtained from the leaves of holly Senna. In the structure of this plant, pharmacists were attracted by the salts of sennosides A and B. They provide a laxative effect. In addition, the Senate includes the following excipients:

Sennosides act directly on the sensitive receptors, which are located on the surface of the mucous membrane, and excite smooth muscle elements in the large intestine. The latter intensify the peristaltic movements of the intestine, increase their amplitude and make them more durable.

How long does Senadé's laxative work?

Since the action of the tablets is aimed at enhancing peristalsis, the emptying of the intestine proceeds quite gently. What is important is that Senado does not change the chair. That is, after taking the tablets, it is emptied with a normal stool, and the drug does not cause diarrhea. This is achieved due to the fact that Senade is not acting as fast as most of its counterparts.

In general, the drug begins to act at least 8-10 hours after admission. So much time is needed for Senade to painlessly produce some changes in the body.

If you need to speed up the action, you can after drinking the pill to drink several glasses of warm slightly salted water. In this case Senada will act after 6-8 hours. Of course, the discount should be made for individual characteristics of the organism. Some patients note the onset of a faster effect without any additional effects.

In most cases, 3 tablets are assigned to Senada, and after how much they affect the indications does not depend. The same remedy is prescribed for:

Very often, constipation occurs in people leading a sedentary lifestyle. For some, this condition becomes habitual at all. This category of Senada patients helps maintain the intestines and feel healthy. Seniors and elderly people, as well as bedridden patients, can not do without Senada.

Many pregnant women complain of constipation. Since the preparation is made from vegetable components, no harm to the future mother, nor to the child will it cause. And yet, a preliminary consultation with a specialist will not hurt.

Why does not Senada work?

As with any medicine, Senada has contraindications for use. If you ignore their taking the drug will not be effective. It is not recommended to drink tablets when:

Senada will not always act in case of abdominal pain of unknown origin, abdominal cavity diseases occurring in acute form, and kidneys. According to a special scheme, pills are taken by patients who have undergone cavitary operations.