Primary viral pneumonia

Primary viral pneumonia is an inflammatory acute disease that affects the lower parts of the respiratory tract. This disease is most often caused by influenza viruses, adenovirus, parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial and other viruses. Initially, the disease develops in the first days after infection, and in just 3-5 days, a bacterial infection joins it.

Symptoms of primary viral pneumonia

The first symptoms of primary viral pneumonia are high fever and chills. Patients may experience general malaise, nausea and aching in the muscles and joints. About a day later there are such signs as:

Also, some people have a little blue tip of the nose and fingers and there is shortness of breath.

Treatment of primary viral pneumonia

Treatment of primary viral pneumonia, mainly carried out at home. Hospitalization is shown only to people over 65 years old, as well as those who suffer from severe cardiovascular or pulmonary diseases. Patients should always observe bed rest.

To reduce the manifestations of intoxication syndrome in primary viral pneumonia, patients are recommended to drink a lot. When a severe manifestation of the disease, they are prescribed injections of saline or 5% glucose solution. To reduce the temperature is best taken Nurofen or Paracetamol. To facilitate the withdrawal of sputum from the respiratory tract with such a disease will help:

In cases where inflammation has occurred due to the ingestion of influenza viruses, the patient should take direct antiviral drugs or neuraminidase inhibitors. It may be Ingavirin or Tamiflu . If this disease was caused by a varicella-zoster virus, it is best to fight it by taking Acyclovir.