Anaferon adult

Anaferon belongs to a number of homeopathic medicines that have an antiviral effect. This medication is quite contradictory, because there is no evidence that its principle of action really induces immunity to fighting viruses. Nevertheless, the manufacturer published evidence of the effectiveness of anaferon in several scientific journals, which, however, do not have an authoritative status.

Despite many inconsistencies, anaferon is now used in medicine as a homeopathic antiviral agent. The manufacturer states that anaferon is effective in the following diseases:

Form release and the action of anaferon

The principle of the action of anaferon is based on the fact that with the help of immunity of rabbits, antibodies to human gamma interferon are obtained, which become the main active substance of the drug, and they, according to the manufacturer, have an immunomodulating property. Today, science does not know how these antibodies are able to correct immunity.

Along with this, it is worth considering that anaferon is a homeopathic preparation, and therefore its basic substance is diluted in a proportion of 1:99 (12 to 50 times).

Today this drug exists only in the form of tablets: drops of anaferon or candles anaferon does not exist. Anaferon tablets are convenient for those who are engaged in the prevention of viral diseases, because tablets are easier to take outside the house than drops, or, respectively, candles.

There are both adults and children's pills. The difference between them is the amount of dilution of the main substance.

How to take anaferon for adults?

Since anaferon can be used as a preventative as well as a therapeutic agent, there is confusion with the dosage and the regimen, and many people have a question how to drink anaferon.

  1. Reception of anaferon for prophylaxis. To increase the chances of avoiding a cold during epidemics, the manufacturer recommends taking 1 tablet a day (put under the tongue until completely dissolved) for 3 months. The intake of anaferon is not associated with eating. To prevent recurrence of genital herpes , anaferon take 1 tablet every other day for six months.
  2. Reception of anaferon for treatment. In ARVI, anaferon should be taken immediately after the first signs: the speed of use depends on the effectiveness of the drug. During the first 2 hours anaferon should take 1 tablet every half hour. Then take 3 more tablets during the day, distributing an equal time between them. On the second day of illness, anaferon is taken 1 tablet 3 times a day until recovery. In the case of genital herpes, anaferon takes 8 tablets for the first 3 days, 7 tablets for 4 to 5 days, 6 tablets for 6 to 7, 5 tablets for 8 to 9, 10 tablets for 11 from 4 to 12 21 days - 3 tablets. There should be an equal time between tablets.

Overdose of anaferon

The manufacturer has so far not detected cases of anaferon overdose. However, considering that this is a homeopathic preparation, it can be said that in very rare cases it can cause toxication. The only danger is the reaction of the body to antibodies. For safety in case of an overdose, it is best to consult a toxicology reference book or call an ambulance.

Anaferon - contraindications

Anaferon is contraindicated in pregnancy, breast-feeding, as well as allergies in the acute stage.