Which geener is better?

To date, the reception of a geyner is the simplest and quickest way to gain weight even for those who have a rather thin physique by nature. It should be noted that girls, in view of the lower in comparison with men metabolism in the body, the reception of this type of sports nutrition remains undesirable - it is better to prefer pure protein. Otherwise, there is a risk of rapid accumulation of the fatty layer, rather than muscle mass. But men learn from this article, what kind of geener is the best.

The best geyner

In this issue, much depends not only on the quality of components and composition, but also on the price category. We will look at the composition of different tools and select the most optimal ones. So which geener is better to choose?

  1. Cytogainer (per serving: carbohydrates - 80 g, proteins - 65 grams, a small amount of fat). This is one of the best anabolic drugs that exists on the market today. To further increase the calorie content of products, it can be mixed not with water, but with milk or juice. Accept such a geyner after training and during the day (up to 3 times in total). Many experts, on the question of what kind of geyner is better, is called this option.
  2. True Mass (for a portion of the product: carbohydrates - 70 g, proteins - 50 g, fat - 17 g). This is another excellent, highly effective option that helps to quickly build muscle mass and train more effectively. This option should be drunk both before training and immediately after it, and some men take an additional portion before bedtime - to fix the result.
  3. Serious Mass (per serving 334 g of product: carbohydrates - 251 g, proteins - 50 g, a small amount of fat). This is a rather heavy weight gainer, and it is suitable only for those who for a long time chronically can not gain weight. In order not to experience discomfort, it is recommended that a standard portion be divided into 2 parts and taken with an interval of 4-60 minutes.
  4. Aftershock Critical Mass (in one portion of the product: protein - 52 g, carbohydrates - 85 g, fat - 18 g). This mixture is one of the best for muscle mass gain. It has a fairly mild effect on the body. Accept it is fashionable and before training, and after it.
  5. Up Your Mass (per serving: carbohydrates - 58 g, proteins - 54 g, 11 grams of fat). The only drawback of this product is that as a protein component, casein and soya are side by side here, and in fact soy protein has the lowest biological value index. However, due to the action of "slow" carbohydrates, this product feeds the body for several hours.

Knowing which geynners are better to take, any person can easily achieve the desired gain in mass and find the body of your dreams!