Can I drink after exercise?

Together with sweat, which is actively excreted during physical exertion, we lose not only the decay products, but also useful minerals and salts that are in the blood plasma. These losses must be replenished with water, and although the appropriateness of its consumption is a stereotype that has become entangled in our heads, now we will try to convey to you not just the benefits, but the vital necessity of water breaks.

Can I ...?

Each trainee asks himself, the trainer and the world wide network a trivial question - can one drink after a workout, which, alas, can not always get a competent answer.

First, realize that you need to drink not only after training, but also in time.

Consuming water during classes increases our working capacity , and if you drink carbohydrate solution, you also protect yourself against the drop in blood glucose, and, accordingly, a sharp increase.


It turns out that thirst is not exactly the right indicator of our need for water. While we feel it (and what to say that sometimes we just do not notice this feeling), the body has already lost a significant amount of moisture. Therefore, it is recommended to drink water regardless of thirst, at equal intervals. Soon, you will get used to this sensation of water in the stomach.

What drink?

If with the idea of ​​constantly carrying a bottle of water with you already reconciled, let's talk about what to drink before and after training.

The National Association of Sports Trainers recommends eating 3 cups of water (about 700 ml) 2-3 hours before training, and 20-30 minutes before the start of the session, drink another cup.

During lessons it is best to drink pure still water or 7% carbon solution. As for what is better to drink after training, then here you have a wider choice and should be guided by the purpose of your studies.

  1. When losing weight, it is better to drink water, since it does not contain calories and normalizes only the water balance.
  2. If you gain weight, fruit juices will suit you. They can also be drunk before exercise, instead of a snack.
  3. What you need to drink after two hours after training is a separate matter. American scientists recommend replenishing the balance of carbohydrates and proteins by drinking cocoa. Also this drink can be replaced with milk.

If you do not provide your body with enough fluid, you risk being "swollen" from swelling. When something is missing in the body, it begins to be postponed "in reserve". Thus, water will accumulate in your tissues under the skin, which looks very unattractive.