Drops from an allergy for children

It's no secret that not only adults suffer from allergies, but even the smallest children often become hostages to this disease. Especially often in infants of the first year of life there is food intolerance to a certain type of substances, most often protein.

In pharmacies you can easily buy drops or pills against allergies for children, but that's just their bulk is designed for children of three years. But what about the babies? After all, among this age group very often there are various allergic rashes that disturb the baby and can not remain without treatment.

Drops from allergies for babies (including newborns)

There are two types of drops that effectively combat allergy symptoms, but they can not completely stop it, because the source of rashes should be identified and eliminated, and only then the child will be completely healthy.

Although, for the sake of justice I want to note that it is not always possible to understand the cause of the rash, but to two or three years it passes on its own, when the child's gastrointestinal tract becomes more mature. Until then, antihistamines will have to be used from time to time in short courses, if necessary.

Children's drops Fenistil from allergies

These drops are most often prescribed by the doctor, when the baby is troubled by rashes on the skin of the face and body. Together with them they prescribe an ointment with the same name. Parents' opinions on the effectiveness of this drug are divided - it helps someone very well, and some did not notice improvements after its application.

Prescribe the drug to term infants after 1 month with various types of allergies. After it, the child may be slightly flaccid and sleepy, which does not require the cancellation of drops. Babies up to a year are prescribed a triple intake of 3-10 drops, depending on the age and weight.

Drops from an allergy for children Zodak

Babies from birth can use the drug Zodak in the form of drops. It is well tolerated by the kids and has a good result already on the second day after the beginning of the reception. Drops are given for 5-10 days, and if necessary, the course is repeated.

Babies up to a year are prescribed from 2 to 8 drops, which must be diluted with boiled water, because the medicine has a not very pleasant sour taste and smell.

There are drops from the allergic rhinitis Vibrocil, which also prescribe to the kids. They can be used and with the usual viral cold and in the complex therapy of allergic manifestations.