Dry cough in the baby

Coughing is the reaction of the respiratory tract to the presence of an obstruction in them that interferes with the free passage of air. Distinguish between dry cough (unproductive) and wet cough (productive). The main difference is that when productive cough goes sputum, thereby providing a useful effect to the body, clearing it of various foreign particles, viruses, bacteria and small foreign bodies. What can not be said about an unproductive cough, in which there is no spitting.

Causes of dry cough in children

The main causes of dry cough in children are various illnesses that accompany it. The absence of his treatment can increase the development of the disease and lead to negative consequences.

Unproductive cough can be a companion or cause of such diseases as:

The causes of persistent dry cough in a child can also serve as allergenic particles, un-moistened air or heavy physical stress. As a rule, dust, animal hair or pollen of plants acts as allergens.

First of all, when a child coughs, it is necessary to determine which cough he is worried about, productive or unproductive. Then it is desirable to understand the cause of this cough. Even if the child has no temperature and other signs of the disease, but at the same time worries about frequent dry cough, you should go with him to the pediatrician, since making independent decisions on taking medications is strongly discouraged. An experienced specialist will also help you to establish the true cause of the cough, and will tell you what to treat a dry cough in a child.

Cases when it is necessary to appear to the doctor in the presence of a dry cough:

Treatment of dry cough in a child

As a rule, in the treatment of such a cough appoint special medications aimed at reducing the cough reflex. The doctor appoints them, only if they are sure that there are no other, more serious pathologies. They do not last long, only a few days and this usually happens enough that the body cope with the infection.

The most effective and useful is the method of treatment with natural remedies, the so-called folk methods. Here are some of them:

  1. Rinse with salt solution in warm water, as well as add a couple drops of iodine.
  2. Green or ginger tea with lemon juice.
  3. Raw garlic or ginger.
  4. The consumption of liquid will ease discomfort.
  5. Almond crushed with honey.
  6. Leaves of basil, crushed with honey.