Gel Skinoren

Many are worried about problem skin and finding remedies for acne. One of the most effective drugs is Skinoren gel. Doctors-dermatologists recommend using the tool at any age. It is absolutely safe in pregnancy and breastfeeding and has virtually no side effects. The only drawback is its slow action.

Skinoren's composition

The main active substance is azelaic acid (1 g), which has an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory property. In addition, the gel contains:

Application of Skinorene gel

This tool is actively used to combat skin problems due to a number of useful properties:

  1. Antibacterial property inhibits the growth of pathogenic organisms.
  2. Thanks to the keratolytic property, the gel relieves existing comedones and prevents the emergence of new ones.
  3. The anti-inflammatory effect is manifested in the inhibition of the synthesis of fatty acids, which irritate the skin.
  4. Due to the fact that the drug is not addictive, it is ideal for long-term treatment.

The use of the drug is indicated when:

Skinoren is effective for the treatment of acne and black spots.

Gel from acne Skinoren

The drug was most widely used in the fight against acne . At the same time, he fights not only with the existing pimples, but also prevents the development of new ones. The use of the gel promotes the removal of inflammation and hyperpigmentation.

The tool is applied as follows:

  1. First, the face is thoroughly cleaned and dried by dabbing with a napkin.
  2. Then squeeze out a gel about the size of a pea and lubricate them with problem areas by gently massaging the skin.
  3. Repeat the procedure twice a day.
  4. For complete recovery, the composition is used for three months.
  5. Sometimes, when using the drug, there is an exacerbation of the disease and deterioration of the skin, manifested in its peeling and irritation. To eliminate these signs, it is recommended to reduce the dose of the gel to once a day.

Positive results can be seen only after four weeks. However, the treatment should be completed only after completing the course.

Skinoren - gel or cream?

The difference between these forms consists, first of all, in the concentration of azelaic acid, which is 20% in the cream, and only 15% in the gel. The fact is that the gel penetrates the skin faster, because it does not require such a quantity of substance. The structure of the gel is polymeric, that is, it contains 70% water and only 3% fat. The cream is an oil emulsion, in which fat occupies 15%, and water 50%.

The gel is recommended for people who have a fat-prone skin, while the time is best used for sensitive and dry skin. The advantage of the gel lies in the fact that it eliminates greasy gloss and at the same time cools the surface of the face. It is easily absorbed, because it is ideal for make-up.

Analogues of Skinoren gel

To date, pharmacies offer many other medicines designed for problem skin. Among the azelaic acid containing in its composition, the following drugs are isolated: