What is dangerous for thrush during pregnancy for the fetus?

Thrush, or vaginal candidiasis, is one of the most common diseases of the female genital area. If it goes into a chronic form, getting rid of it is quite difficult. Especially acute is the question of treatment if you are expecting a baby. After all, not all drugs from candidiasis can be taken by pregnant women.

Some future mothers do not quite understand what is dangerous for thrush during pregnancy for the fetus, and try not to pay attention to it or be treated by folk remedies such as syringing soda or potassium permanganate. Doing this in no case impossible, because the consequences can be unpredictable. Therefore, if you are faced with such unpleasant symptoms as itching, burning, redness of the vagina, do not try to engage in self-medication, but it is not necessary to let the disease flow by itself.

How can candidiasis affect a baby in the womb?

Fungi, as an integral part of the microflora, are present in "sleeping" form in every woman. But if they begin to multiply actively and their concentration according to the results of the analysis exceeds the allowable value, no special preparations can be dispensed with. If you were diagnosed with "thrush" during pregnancy and you are worried whether it is dangerous, pay attention to the following facts:

  1. Candidiasis often causes erosion on the mucous membranes of female genital organs, which can be quite numerous. Over time, they not only do not disappear, but begin to spread further. This leads to the formation of spikes on the walls of the internal organs of the female reproductive system. In structure, they are a connective tissue that disrupts the natural elasticity of the muscles. For a pregnant woman, such pathological changes represent a serious threat: a growing fetus intensively stretches the uterus, and the presence of adhesions can lead not only to severe painful sensations, but also to miscarriage.
  2. But do not think that thrush is harmful only for the organism of the future mother. It can provoke and problems with the health of the baby, which will manifest only after childbirth. In case of acute candidiasis, infection of the fetus is more than likely, because its immune system is not yet fully formed and is very vulnerable. Let us consider in more detail how dangerous is thrush during pregnancy for a child. It affects all the basic systems of a small organism, while the infection is transmitted from mother to baby through the umbilical cord, which is affected first. Then the fungus begins to actively develop on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and eyes, skin integuments, in the mouth and on other organs. In severe cases, even a lethal outcome is possible.
  3. Even if during the gestation of prenatal infection Candidiasis was avoided, the baby "grabs" fungi during labor, passing through the genital tract of the mother. It is not difficult to determine this: just a few days after birth, you will notice a characteristic white coating on the gums and tongue of crumbs. Since this candidiasis makes it very difficult for breastfeeding and creates some discomfort for the mother, and for her child, thrush during pregnancy is an undeniable danger to the child.
  4. Experts believe that although the fungi themselves are not the cause of severe postpartum inflammation of the uterus, their presence still increases the incidence of such complications.

Since the answer to the question of whether thrush is dangerous in pregnancy for the fetus is positive, when its first signs appear, you should consult a gynecologist, who usually prescribes a local treatment in the form of candles or ointments based on nystatin, natamycin, butoconazole, isoconazole.