Chest chest in pregnancy

Female breasts from the first days of pregnancy sensitive to the changes that occur in the body of the future mother. This is due to the fact that the preparation for lactation begins with the earliest possible dates.

Very often such changes do not go without consequences. Future mothers complain of "bursting" in the mammary glands and the fact that they have chest pain during pregnancy. There is also an increase in the female bust, the sensitivity of the skin and nipples is significantly exacerbated, the secretions appear in the form of droplets of colostrum, the nipples darken, bulge, and the skin around them forms areoles, blood vessels darken and appear through the skin, the size of the parotid circles and the nipples are increasing.

So why do some women still have chest pain during pregnancy?

The process of changes occurring in the mammary glands from the first days of pregnancy is the result of the most complex interaction of thyroid hormones, adrenals, pituitary gland and ovaries. Such changes lead to a significant increase in the sensitivity of the female breast. However, experienced specialists say that this is quite a normal situation, and the question of how much the chest hurts during pregnancy, is encouraged by the answer to a short period of pain. Usually soreness in the mammary glands begins to weaken by the tenth week of the term, and by the twelfth week disappears altogether.

To reduce the soreness of the chest during pregnancy, women are advised to wear special supporting bras. It would be useful to mention the performance of physical exercises that help strengthen muscles that support the mammary glands and improve the outflow of blood and lymph from the chest. If the chest hurts during pregnancy, then it is necessary to include in the daily routine hygiene procedures, which are used to wash the mammary glands with warm water and wipe them with a wet towel.

A woman becomes especially sensitive and vulnerable to changes around her in the family, at work, during pregnancy. And here the body also signals about the changes that have begun, and the head is overcome with questions, why and how much does the chest hurt during pregnancy? But when a woman is exposed to a nervous shock, her body immediately develops stress hormones that negatively affect the entire body as a whole and the mammary glands in particular. Experienced stress can cause mastopathy and many other serious diseases of the female breast. No wonder folk wisdom says - "the best medicine for a pregnant woman is complete peace and tranquility."

In the female breast, there are no muscles that hold and prevent the stretching of the tissues during the increase in the size and weight of the mammary glands. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce in the daily routine physical exercises that strengthen the pectoral muscles. The complex of exercises should include no more than four types of load, lasting about ten to fifteen minutes. Physical exercises will help to reduce the soreness of the chest during pregnancy.

Using the advice of experts on the methods of breast care during pregnancy, women can avoid a lot of problems associated not only with breast tenderness, but also with the appearance of the bust after childbirth. Properly selected linen, water procedures and massage will help reduce the soreness of the chest and allow a woman to enjoy her "interesting" position, because the time of bearing the baby is the happiest period of life of every fair sex!