Sensations in the first days of pregnancy

It is known that one of the main signs of pregnancy is the delay of another menstruation. But it is possible to establish the presence of the embryo in the uterus only thanks to ultrasound. Women who dream of becoming mothers, try to find in themselves any signs of the conception that has taken place.

The first sensation in pregnancy

The true term of gestation is calculated from the day of conception. However, gynecologists start counting from the first day of the last menstrual period of the future mother. This term is called the obstetric term.

Fertilized ovum is attached to the wall of the uterus not immediately. It moves to the implantation site for about 7 days. Determine the presence of pregnancy on the first day after conception is impossible, there will be no special sensations. But even in the early stages a woman can feel some signs indicating that she is going to become a mother.

In the first week of pregnancy, there are no pronounced sensations, but some have spotting about a few days before the expected menstruation. This is implantation bleeding, which is a physiological phenomenon and occurs during attachment of the fetal egg. Such discharges can be perceived as early-onset hormonal or malfunctioning of the body.

You may also experience the following symptoms:

All this is explained by the change in the hormonal balance of the future mother. It should be noted that all the sensations in the first days of pregnancy, except for implantation bleeding, are similar to those of premenstrual syndrome.