Lingonberry during pregnancy

In the modern world, in which more and more artificial and modified foodstuffs are consumed and consumed every day, it is very difficult to overestimate the benefits that fruits and berries give us from our forests and marshes. Strawberries, cranberries and lingonberries - here is that small list of forest berries that can still be harvested and harvested by themselves or purchased in markets or supermarkets.

On the bill of bilberries there are many beautiful legends and legends that connect this berry with the Bird of Happiness and the Old Russian Goddess of Water, the Gratitude of Happiness and the Red Cap of Immortality. Such a fabulous and magical halo accompanies this berry even today. But, first of all cowberry is famous for its medicinal and healing properties, which makes its fruits and leaves one of the most used medicines. And as for the future mothers, the issue of the health of one's body and the creation of a favorable background for bearing the fetus always comes first, while cowberry in pregnancy is used very widely and there are a lot of options for its use alone or in combination with other berries.

How to drink lingonberries during pregnancy?

First of all, it should be noted that juice from the fruit of cowberry has hypoallergenic properties. A particularly useful natural cranberry juice in combination with apple, lemon and other juices. Similarly, fruits and especially shrub leaves contain a large number of useful substances, such as: mineral compounds of calcium and magnesium, potassium and iron, phosphorus, sodium and especially manganese. And with such a rich composition, the calorie content of cowberries is only 46 calories! For expectant mothers this is very important, so the question "Can cowberry in pregnancy?" Disappears by itself. It is possible and even very useful! This is especially true for those women who have a shortage of vitamins and minerals.

How is it best to eat berries and cowberry leaves during pregnancy, and for what specific purposes do they fit?

Decoction of cranberries during pregnancy is considered the best remedy and "panacea" with fairly frequent after the thirtieth week of swelling. Due to very strong diuretic qualities, decoction of cowberry leaves during pregnancy takes two three times a day, and less than a week you can get rid of problems with swelling. Prepare such a decoction is not difficult: two or three tablespoons of chopped leaves should be poured a glass of boiling water and warm for half an hour in a water bath. After that, the broth should be cooled and filtered.

The use of cranberries during pregnancy helps to solve a lot of problems: the juice of this amazing berry, slightly diluted with water, lowers blood pressure, liquefies sputum when coughing, stops pain in the stomach and reduces body temperature during fever. However, to people suffering from a stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcers, fresh juice from berries cranberries is strictly contraindicated! It should be clearly understood that the use of any berries and herbs is possible only after consultation with a qualified specialist.

In addition to freshly squeezed juice and broth from berries and cowberry leaves, its leaves can be used as salads and added to sauces, used as sweet and sour condiments and supplements to main dishes. You can simply pour a glass of ripe cranberry berries to the taste of homemade sour cream, add four tablespoons of honey and sprinkle with nuts. It's hard to think of a more tasty and useful dessert! Cowberry during pregnancy helps a woman to maintain health throughout the term of pregnancy and give birth to a healthy child.