Plaster for interior works

When performing thorough repairs in the house, there is a need for plastering the walls. There are several types of plaster compositions, which allows you to choose the finishing material that best meets one or another of the conditions. There are such types of plasters for interior works, as mineral, acrylic and silicone plasters. On the first two types, more democratic in price, we will stop.

Mineral plaster

For interior works in halls and hallways, whose walls suffer from abrasion, the mineral plaster will be an excellent option. Suitable decorative plaster is also for interior works in the bathroom: plastered it through the wall can be damped without fear that the lime included in the plaster will get wet - other components will not allow it to do so.

This eco-friendly finishing material is resistant to cold, heat and sharp differences between them. Providing thermal insulation, mineral plaster for interior works implies safety in the fire-fighting issue. Also, this material is characterized by low susceptibility to mechanical damage.

Acrylic plaster

Due to the fact that not every acrylic plaster has a high vapor permeability, it is not always worth using when decorating a facade, but for internal work it is suitable as best as possible.

Such a highly elastic material, like acrylic, is perfectly used in combination with mineral bases. It can be safely applied even in newly built buildings that must sit down. He is not afraid of excessive humidity.

The composition of such plaster for interior works suffers the presence of any dyes, and it can be not just colored, but multicolored (in contrast to the restrained-pastel scale of mineral plasters).

Acrylic plaster is sold in the form of ready-to-use composition, however it is important to check that the shelf life is not close to the expiration date. Otherwise, it will be extremely difficult or impossible to work with such plaster.