
This plant belongs to the family of Gesneria. The flower has about 40 species, all of them are widely distributed in South and Central America. The epic is quite unpretentious, even a budding florist can handle it without problems. This plant belongs to ornamental plants, but can also please with flowering.

The episcia has a thick underground shoot, and there are overhead whiskers. The shoots near the flower are pubescent. Flowering can be blue or white. Inflorescences are located singly, sometimes in bundles. Flowers have a tubular shape, five-bladed bend.

Grades of the Episode

The most popular varieties:

  1. Hibernation flowers. It has two types of shoots: shortened and long thin. The first has close leaves, and the second roots with age and has daughter outlets. Leaflets small, ovoid in shape. They have a dark green color, in the middle a purple veinlet. Flowers are single, white.
  2. Copper-red. The flowers are single, bright red. Has a lot of cultural forms.
  3. Creeping. Shoots branched and creeping, very long. Leaves densely pubescent, olive or brown above. Flowers are single, located in the axils of the leaves. Can have pink and red hues.

How to care for the episode?

For the plant, the best place is the west or east window. The flower loves diffused lighting, direct rays of the sun for it are fatal. If the apartment has only a southern or northern window, just block the paper with direct rays of the sun. Temperature. During the whole year it is necessary to provide the plant with a temperature not lower than 18 ° С. The most optimal temperature is about 20-24 ° C. The flower is very afraid of drafts.

When watering, do not allow water to enter the leaves. It is better to use lower watering. The water temperature should be room, pre-pour water into the container and let it settle. In winter, watered a couple of days after the top layer of the soil dries. In the warm season, abundant watering is required. For this flower excessive moisturizing, as well as dryness, are fatal. To feed the essay is necessary every two weeks during a period of active growth. For fertilizing use both mineral and organic fertilizers. But to dilute the drugs should be half as much as indicated in the instructions.

After flowering, prune the plants. The flower is shortened, and from the cut off stems the daughter sockets are planted directly in the pot. Then your flower will have a magnificent shape. Ampellar varieties of the plant can easily emit the roots in a nearby pot, it must be followed.

Episode: Reproduction

You can propagate the flower with seeds or cuttings. Reproduction of the epics is carried out in the spring. The easiest way to work with side shoots, it is very easy to root. The end of the shoot without side shoots is immersed in water, but not more than 4 cm. A child's outlet can not be separated. It is buried in a separate pot in the place where it bends. During the week, a side shank will take root. For good rooting, the soil temperature should be about 25 ° C. Once a month, pass the young plants into a new pot. The size of the new pot should be a couple of centimeters larger than the old one.

Episodes: transplant

You can transplant the flower every spring. Choose low and wide forms of pots. The plant is suitable for neutral or slightly acidic soil. Mix river sand, peat and deciduous soil. The deciduous land should be half that of other ingredients. The bottom of the pot should have good drainage holes, first put a good drainage.