Hypermetropia of a mild degree in a 5-year-old child

The diagnosis of "hypermetropia" delivered to a child at any age, often causes serious concern for young parents. In fact, this ailment is most often a non-dangerous violation, and its occurrence is caused by the peculiarities of the structure of the eyesight organs in preschool-age children.

In addition, this disease has several degrees of development, each of which demonstrates how well a boy or girl sees and distinguishes objects located in the immediate vicinity of his eyes. In this article, we will tell you how to suspect a low-grade hypermetropia in a 5-year-old child, and what treatment is used to confirm this diagnosis.

Signs of low-grade hypermetropia in children

As a rule, hypermetropia, or farsightedness of a weak degree is not too noticeable, and young parents learn about the diagnosis of their child only at a reception with an ophthalmologist. In such a situation, the child's medical record may contain the inscription: "hyperopia of a weak degree", which means a violation of the accommodation of both eyes. In rare cases, hyperopia is observed only on the left or right side, but in the vast majority of children one-sided hypermetropia passes by 5 years independently.

Nevertheless, there are signs that make it possible to suspect hypermetropia even before visiting the doctor, namely:

In all cases, when suspected of having a five-year-old kid of hyperopia, it is necessary to see a doctor, since in the future this ailment can adversely affect the quality of his life.

Treatment of low-grade hyperopia of both eyes in children aged 5 years

In five-year-olds, the formation of the organs of vision is not yet complete, so any violations of a mild degree at this age are fairly well served by optical correction. To correct the situation, the child in most cases is assigned to wearing glasses with plus lenses, which ensure the focusing of the image directly on the retina, and not behind it, which is typical for this ailment.

Meanwhile, with a low degree of hypermetropia, the baby will not have to wear them all the time. Wear glasses during reading, writing, drawing and other activities that require a detailed examination of certain subjects and eye strain.