Treatment of ARVI in children

A sharp rise in temperature, snot and cough all night, lethargy and total refusal of food-all this takes off unexpectedly and most moms panic for drugs and all sorts of medicines in a panic. Modern treatment of acute respiratory viral infection in children is really able to significantly alleviate the condition of the baby, but it is necessary to act deliberately and only after consultation.

Scheme of ARVI treatment in children

Before treating ARVI in children, always consult your doctor. This applies to all sorts of grinds or other "proven" folk methods. The fact is that very similar symptoms or characteristic cough in each case are treated by different methods. It all depends on the stage of the disease, the age of the child. The specialist should listen properly to the child and examine the throat, feel the lymph nodes.

But this does not mean that the treatment of acute respiratory infections in children will be reduced only to taking prescribed medications. The scheme necessarily includes natural methods that help reduce the temperature and ease the nasal breathing of the crumb. Here are the basic prescriptions of pediatricians, how to treat ARVI in children at home.

  1. Diet in ARVI in children is reduced to the intake of vegetable and dairy food. Try to offer food with a high content of vitamins, but never insist if the child refuses it. Instead, offer a drink. It can be compotes, juices or other favorite drinks.
  2. Natural remedies for ARVI for children include rubbing, inhalation or lotions with natural essential oils. But all these procedures can be used only at normal temperature. They act as anesthetics and increase the body's resistance.
  3. Homeopathy in ARVI in children will not harm the health of the child, will facilitate and accelerate recovery. All this should also be agreed with the pediatrician. Often with nasal congestion, babies are noticeably capricious, coughing starts and sleep is getting worse. It is especially difficult to treat ARVI in infants, because a child does not know how to blow his nose and most drugs are contraindicated. In this case, the spout is cleaned with a cotton swab soaked in boiled water, and the snot is removed with an aspirator. As for drops or funds for washing the nose, you should be careful with them. The first group refers to vasoconstrictor, they can be applied with a blocked nose and high temperature. The second group in its composition has substances that have a harmful effect on viruses and microbes, relieve swelling.

Antibiotics for children with ARVI

Today, the treatment of ARVI in children with antibiotics has become an apple of discord in the world of pediatrics. Some specialists prescribe them permanently, others try to avoid these drugs. In any case, the appointment should be clearly justified.

There are not many indications for taking these drugs. They include signs of joining bacterial infection: the fever lasts for more than five days, the discharge from the nose has acquired a purulent character, a strong dry cough appeared, a purulent coating on the tonsils.

Children's antiviral drugs in ARVI

So, the child fell ill ORVI-than to treat? In each pharmacy you will be offered a lot of money for every taste and purse. Even if your neighbor's child has been helped by one, never buy the medicine yourself. Among all this abundance there are a number of means that doctors recognized as effective, and there are also quite doubtful.

To effective children's antiviral drugs in ARVI today include:

Preparations for ARVI for children who do not recommend using :