Rotavirus infection in children - symptoms

One of the fears of a young mother is rotavirus infection in children, since her symptoms are a serious blow to the health of the child, and the consequences can be very different. That is why it is worth knowing in advance how much information about this disease.

Signs of rotavirus infection in children

The first manifestations of this disease are very similar to the symptoms of some other infections: bloating, nausea, cough with cold, general weakness. Most often, the onset of the disease falls on the cold season and outbreaks of influenza, which often complicates timely diagnosis. The first signs of rotavirus infection in children are often very similar to the onset of acute respiratory viral infections, so mom should immediately consult a doctor and observe the crumbs within three days. It is during this period that the remaining rates of virus entry into the body begin to manifest.

How to determine rotavirus infection?

More often the disease begins acutely and suddenly. But this period can last from a week and longer, if the disease has acquired a complex form. If in addition to the main symptoms of rotavirus infection, a rash appears in children, then almost certainly you are dealing with enterovirus infection. Symptoms of rotavirus infection in children are the following:

  1. Vomiting with rotavirus infection. Kroha complains of nausea and becomes very sluggish. Even if the baby refuses to eat for a while, vomiting can occur with streaks of mucus. If after a meal there is at least one unquenched piece of food, then immediately come desires. In newborn vomiting appears in the first hours of onset of the disease.
  2. Rotavirus infection is accompanied by pain in the abdomen. Older children can explain exactly where they feel pain. If the baby can not yet tell about this, Mom should pay attention to loud crying, accompanied by grumbling in the stomach, drowsiness. Rotavirus infection does not go away without diarrhea. Exacerbations of bright yellow or whitish color with a very sharp odor. Sometimes diarrhea can be with the admixtures of greens or mucus. Diarrhea begins more often on the 4th day of the disease. If the disease is mild, the stool can be of normal color, less abundant and mushy. In the case of infants, it can be said that rotavirus infection occurs without diarrhea, since mothers can not always notice these changes immediately. But in any case, when stroking, the child feels pain in the tummy.
  3. Virtually never rotavirus infection does not occur without temperature. The most common temperature increase is very similar to the symptom of ARVI manifestation. It rises to 38 ° C as early as the second day of the disease and remains unchanged. In addition, the child often has nasal congestion, coughing and reddening of the throat.
  4. One of the most terrible things that mom can not miss is dehydration. With constant diarrhea and vomiting, a child loses a lot of fluid, which can become a dangerous condition for the body.
  5. Intoxication of the body. Almost all children after infection begins signs of intoxication of the body. General weakness, suppression of muscle tone, sometimes you can observe the trembling of limbs, refusal of food. The skin becomes pale, children sometimes very quickly lose weight.

Apparently, many manifestations coincide with signs of poisoning, salmonellosis or cholera. That's why you need to immediately call an ambulance and not give your child any pain medications. Otherwise, you may find it difficult to diagnose and lubricate the clinical map.