Melon - composition

Melon - a melon culture, belonging to the family of pumpkin. This is a favorite treat for both adults and children, which serves not only as a source of water, but also many useful substances. The melon composition is very diverse and rich in valuable trace elements, so this berry should be regularly included in its diet.

Composition and nutritional value of melon

The flesh of this culture is 90% water, which is why it quenches thirst so well, and it also has many simple and complex carbohydrates that provide sweet and tasty familiar to everyone. But despite the fact that carbohydrates significantly prevail over fats and proteins, the energy value of the product is small and is only 35 Kcal per 100 g. Contain in pulp and starch, pectins, dietary fiber, organic and unsaturated fatty acids, ashes. In melon there are a lot of vitamins - A, C, E, PP, group B, and also minerals - potassium, calcium, zinc, magnesium, sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine, iodine, cobalt, etc.

Beneficial features

Such a chemical composition of melon gives this berry numerous useful properties, among which it can be noted:

But not only is this useful melon with its rich composition of trace elements. It is also an excellent antidepressant akin to chocolate , which calms the nerves and restores the heart rhythm, and in this respect is good as a fresh fruit, and dried. Due to its ability to normalize the hormonal background, it is useful to use it for women of all ages, as well as for pregnant women, whose body needs support so much. The composition of melon vitamins is such that it is worth to look closer at it to men. It's no secret that zinc is responsible in the body of representatives of the strong half of humanity for the sexual desire and normal work of the reproductive system.

So, melon can act as a preventive measure of impotence and especially its seeds. Since ancient times, its seeds have been used as a choleretic, diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent. Their broth is used in cosmetology to combat freckles, age spots and acne.