Compote of melon

At the end of summer, in the beginning of autumn, store and market stalls literally burst from ripe melons and melons. And, while the taste and aroma of watermelons can only be imagined, the smells of melons literally spill everywhere. It's hard to pass by, legs themselves carry to the counter, the purse somehow already is in the hands, even a moment, and the golden fragrant fruits of melons migrate to the new owner.

Nature generously endowed melons with vitamins and beneficial microelements. Fruits contain vitamin C, vitamins B, PP and also potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, calcium, copper, carotene, organic acids, aromatic oils. Therapeutic properties are not only the most delicious part, but also peel and sunflower seeds. Melon will help to get rid of insomnia, stress, anemia, exhaustion, adjust the work of the cardiovascular system, stomach and intestines, kidneys and bladder, improve the skin condition.

The greatest benefit comes from the use of melon fruits in fresh form. Unfortunately, they are not stored for a long time, so careful housewives have to resort to conservation of this useful product.

The most popular ways to preserve it are jam or melon jam . Less often make honey and compotes with melon. Of course, recycled melon does not replace completely fresh, but still be able to diversify the winter menu.

Ordinary compote of melon



Cook the syrup from sugar and water. To do this, it is necessary to boil the melon slices in the syrup for three minutes. In pre-sterilized jars with a capacity of 1 liter, we add up to half the volume of melon. Fill with syrup.

Sterilize on low heat for 15 minutes.

We roll up the bank

Most often, in order to prepare a compote of melons, add fruit, some berries, as well as spices.

Compote of melon and plums



Cook the syrup from water and sugar. In syrup, boil first the plums, peeled, then pieces of melon.

In sterilized jars you need to lay layers first melon, then plums and so on. Add the citric acid, pour over the syrup.

Sterilize the compote on low heat for 12 minutes, tightly screwing the lid.

Compote of melon with spices



Cook the syrup, then blanch the melon in it for 3 minutes.

We lay a melon with spices on banks and fill it with syrup. Sterilize for 15 minutes and roll up the lids with lids.

And another compote of melon, the recipe of which is based on a combination of melon flavors, wild strawberries, apples and refreshing mint. The compote on this recipe has a particularly delicate and delicate taste with a pleasant aftertaste of melon and strawberry.

Compote of melon and fresh fruit with mint



    In cooked syrup, you need to let (literally 1 minute) apples, and melon boil for 3 minutes.

    Melon, apples and strawberries are placed in sterilized jars, adding there on a sprig of mint. Fill with hot syrup and sterilize it on low heat for 10 minutes. Then the cans are tightly closed with lids.

    It is pleasant in winter, after a hard day, having opened a jar of compote from a melon, again to feel the smells of a summer gone.