Jam from melon

Probably, there are no such people who do not like melon. The sweet, aromatic taste of melon makes it an exquisite and affordable dessert. Melon ripens in the second half of the summer and it is at this time, many housewives prefer to cook melon jam. Jam from melon allows not only to enjoy the taste of these fruits in winter, but also fills the human body with multiple useful substances.

Recipe for melon jam

In order to prepare a delicious melon jam, the following ingredients are needed: 1 kilogram of melon pulp, 1 kilogram of sugar, 1.5 cups of water, 5 grams of vanillin, 4 grams of citric acid.

For jam, you should choose a little immature melon, without darkening. The flesh of the fruit should be dense and fragrant. The outer skin of the melon must be cut, the core together with the bones should be cleaned and the flesh cut into small pieces. Pieces of melon should be lowered into boiling water for 5 minutes, then beat with cold water.

Sugar and water must be mixed in an enamel saucepan and boiled for 10 minutes over low heat. The resulting hot syrup should be poured into the cooled pieces of melon and leave for 6-7 hours. After that, melon in the syrup should be put on the fire, boil for 3 minutes and cool for 6 hours. After 6 hours, this procedure must be repeated again. After the third cooking melon should be cooled for about 10 hours, then boil for the last time, add vanillin and citric acid. Hot jam can be poured on pre-prepared glass jars and rolled up. If the jam has already cooled, then the jars should be sterilized in a water bath for 10 minutes before the twist.

Every housewife should know that:

Many people are interested in the question "Melon is a berry or a fruit?". Like a watermelon, a melon is a berry related to melons and gourds.

Why is a melon useful?

Melon refers to those fruits that are not only delicious, but are a real storehouse of vitamins. Useful properties of melon make it indispensable, especially in the season of its maturity.

The melon contains: starch, sugar, which is easily digested, mineral salts, vitamins and fiber.

Doctors strongly recommend melon to people suffering from anemia and cardiovascular diseases. This is due to the high content of salts of iron and potassium in melons. Also, melon brings irreplaceable benefits in diseases of the kidneys and liver.

From other berries and fruits, melon differs in its high content of silicon. Silicon is necessary for the human body, as it participates in many physiological processes and affects the condition of the bones, hair and skin of a person.

What vitamins are contained in melon?

Melon is extraordinarily rich in vitamins: C, PP, folic acid, B1, B6 and carotene. Thanks to these substances melon has a general strengthening and diuretic properties. Melon is often recommended to pregnant women.

How many calories are there in the melon?

Caloric content of melon is 50 kcal in 100 grams of pulp. Most dieticians consider melon difficult to digest. Indeed, it is harmful to eat a melon after a dense dinner or dinner, and also drink it with water. This berry does not fit well with other foods. In some cases, melon can lead to stomach upset.