How to cook boletus?

Do not know what you can cook from the boletus? Then read the proposed recipes and pamper yourself and your family with delicious and fragrant dishes from these mushrooms.

How to cook fried mushrooms?



Fresh mushrooms boletus can simply fry in a frying pan with onions. Such a delicious dish can be served with boiled potatoes , vegetables or complement them with any other side dish.

Initially, the buffaloes are cleaned, thoroughly washed, letting drain and if necessary (if large) cut into parts. In the future, you can do two things. In the first case, the mushrooms must be boiled for twenty to thirty minutes in slightly salted water, then drained onto a sieve, allowed to drain carefully and only then put into the frying pan in the frying pan. It will only be necessary to brown the mushrooms a little, then add the chopped onions to them and fry the ingredients until the softness of the latter.

In the second case, we put the mushrooms in a frying pan with butter immediately without preliminary digestion. Here it is necessary to give the mushrooms a little stew in a frying pan under the lid in their juice, reducing heat to a level just below the average, and only after evaporation of all the moisture add onion and fry the boletus along with it to the desired degree of rudeness. In any case, at the end of the frying process, we season the mushroom mass with onions with ground pepper and salt to taste.

How delicious to cook fried boletus with potatoes?



To fry the boletus with potatoes, sorted and washed them carefully, let it drain. Slice a little and boil for half an hour in salted water. After this, the mushroom mass is drained onto a sieve, letting it drain and even a little drying, after which we spread it into the scorching oil and fry with periodic stirring to the desired degree of rudeness and softness.

While the mushrooms are being prepared, we will deal with potatoes. Tubers are cleaned, cut into semi-circles or shredded straws and put into a second frying pan, in which we pre-heat the sunflower or olive oil. Fry the vegetable with the lid open until it is red and ready, adding a bulb at the end of the frying, which beforehand is cleaned and milled medium-sized.

It remains only to combine the mushroom and potato mass in one pan or saucepan, to heat the components together for ten minutes and we can try.

How to cook soup from boletus?



Prepare soup from boletus is extremely simple. For this mushroom rinse carefully, washing all the dirt, then cut into small pieces and put in a pan of water. Let the contents boil and cook over moderate heat for half an hour.

During this time we prepare vegetables. We clear the onion and cut into cubes, and shred the carrots with semicircles or straws. Potatoes are also cleaned and crushed with small cubes or cubes. Sunflower or olive oil poured into a frying pan, warm it and add onions. Minutes through three we add carrots and fry until soft carrot slices.

In the pan with mushrooms we put potato slices and fry from the onion and carrots, throw the bay leaves, salt and pepper and cook the soup until all components are ready. At the end of the cooking, we throw in the pot the chopped parsley and let the food come into the dish for five minutes.