Recipes for salads on the festive table

From year to year on the festive table we put long-loved salads: mimosa , fur coat, olivier ... It is clear that without them and the holiday is not a holiday. But everything has the property of annoying, especially since there is a long series of holidays ahead. Therefore, in order to diversify your diet, and also to surprise your guests, we offer several recipes for new salads on the festive table.

A recipe for a delicious meat salad on a festive table



Pork must be boiled, and to speed up this process - cut it into smaller pieces. In the water we throw spices and salt. Cook the meat will be about 20 minutes. During this time, carrots cut very thin straws or three for carrots in Korean on a special grater. Fry vegetables, first carrots, then add finely chopped onions, salt, pepper. Fry not to the full readiness, vegetables should be a little hard to chew them, and not like the usual roast in borscht. Cucumbers and already cooked meat are cut as well as carrots - straws. Now we connect all the ingredients, fill them with mayonnaise and, if desired, with lemon juice.

It turns out an unusual and very tasty salad!

Celebratory puff pastry with mayonnaise



In salted water we boil veal (or beef). Onions are cut into half-rods and filled with marinade (hot water, vinegar, sugar, pepper and 0.5 teaspoon of salt). Potatoes are cleaned and cut into small-fine straws. Alternately, in small portions, fry it in vegetable oil to a crust and put it on a napkin to get rid of the residual oil. Straw must be friable and fried, like fries. Solim and pepper it.

Salted cucumbers, cheese, and eggs three on the largest grater. Veal cut into small cubes. Walnuts are crushed with a mortar or a rolling pin. All the components of the salad are divided into 2 parts. First half of the chips are spread and watered with mayonnaise, sprinkle with cucumber, lay the veal, onions and again mayonnaise. Next come the eggs with mayonnaise, cheese on top. Then we repeat the layers again, and decorate with walnut on top. Mayonnaise is better to take in a tube or a package, where it is necessary to cut off a corner. Or else, pour into a bottle with a thin spout, so that it can be squeezed out with a thin trickle and thus make a light mesh on top of the layers. Otherwise, if you spread it with a spoon and spread it, the layers are pressed and the salad will lose its airiness.

Easy salad on a festive table without mayonnaise

On holidays on our tables the abundance of mayonnaise salads has long been considered the norm. They rightfully occupy the first place in the rating of loved ones, because they are quite hearty and tasty. But sometimes you want to eat something light (so as not to overload the stomach), but no less tasty. Now we will tell you the recipe of such an easy and delicious salad with chicken liver.



The liver is well rinsed, we get rid of "obtoshi", every bit is cut in half, if the liver is not very small cut. Pear is cleaned from seeds and cut into plates. In the frying pan, we melted the honey and very much a large fire caramelize the pear in honey for about 2 minutes. It should not become soft or crawl. Honey should wrap up every bit of it. We remove the finished pear on the plate. At the same frying pan, drip a little oil and just as quickly cook the liver. It will also be removed to cool down. In the salad bowl we rip off the leaves of the base (lettuce or cabbage), pour out the corn, rub the cheese, add the pear and liver. So let the salad stand for five minutes, so that the juice from the pear and liver permeated the rest of the food. For sauce mix butter, mustard, soy sauce and lemon juice. Pour the sauce before serving and mix.