Diet for breast cancer

The passage of any malignant disease (in particular breast cancer) is accompanied by a massive breakdown of protein, adipose tissue and other important components of metabolism. Correctly selected diet for the patient with breast cancer will increase the body's defenses during the postoperative period. Next, we will consider the features of a diet for oncology and mastopathy of the breast.

Preparing a diet for patients with breast cancer

The diet of an oncologically ill woman should be enriched with carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals. So, in women who have undergone surgery, a balanced diet will help to quickly restore the body and gain strength. In a patient who has not undergone surgery, a rational diet will give the body the strength to postpone chemotherapy and radiation therapy. I want to emphasize that the diet for breast cancer does not provide for an increase in the amount of food consumed, but only to improve the quality of consumed foods.

Features of the diet after removal of the breast

There are a number of recommendations on how to prepare a diet for patients with breast cancer. So, to them carry:

  1. When choosing food, preference should be given to fruits, vegetables and cereals. Fruits and vegetables should be chosen bright, because they are rich in antioxidants, which are able to fight free radicals.
  2. In terms of volume and caloric content, the food should correspond to the weight of the patient (if the patient's weight is increased, then the calorie content should be reduced).
  3. Preference should be given to olive and linseed oil, and bread should be selected whole-grain.
  4. Foods must be fortified with calcium and vitamin D.
  5. It is necessary to abandon food products that contain phytoestrogens (soybeans, legumes).
  6. Reduce the amount of sugar consumed, the rejection of acute, too salty, roasted and alcohol.
  7. A prerequisite for proper nutrition in breast cancer is the reception of fish, especially red (salmon, salmon).
  8. Sour-milk products are a source of lactic acid, which can slow down the malignant process, and is necessary for a patient with mastopathy or cancer.

Thus, we have examined the peculiarities of nutrition of a patient with breast cancer. Correctly selected rational nutrition can increase the body's resistance and help in fighting this insidious disease.