Sisyphean labor and tantalum flour - a legend

Ancient culture of the world is saturated with deep architectural symbols, which arose from myths, legends, epics. The expression "Sisyphean labor" that came into Russian from the ancient Greek poem "Illyada" became stable and common. At many people, at a mention of a word-combination there is an image: the person from last forces rolls a stone on top of mountain.

What is Sisyphean labor?

Every person has responsibilities before him, close ones and through hard work people achieve improvement of their situation - in their dreams, when performing hard work there is an image of the achievement of the goal - the result built in the mind is an inspiration. The ancient expression of "Sisyphean labor" is a hard and inconclusive work devoid of meaning and perspective. The futility and futility of efforts cause a person, despair, like the ancient Greek king Sisyphus in endless attempts to erect a stone on top of the Tartar mountain.

Sisyphean labor - mythology

As the winged expression of the Sisyphean labor arose, the myth of the ancient Greeks tells about this. King Sisyphus - the first of mortals used cunning and treachery in relationships with the gods. The ruler of Corinth so reveled in his power, looted and blasphemed that when his death came, he decided to outwit the gods and rule further, for which he paid very badly and was forced to roll a heavy stone into the mountain of Hades, which fell every time with a roar. There are several versions of the myth about Sisyphus:

  1. The ruler of Corinthians cheated in the chains of the god of death Thanatos (Aida). People became immortal, which did not suit the gods. Zeus sends his son Ares (god of war), who releases the god of death. Thanatos, angry, takes the soul of Sisyphus. The king warned his wife not to arrange a lavish funeral, and Hades, without waiting for the offerings, is forced to release the cunning king, so that he persuades his wife to offer gifts to the gods. Sisyphus not only did not return to the underworld, but he also boasted how he could deceive Thanatos. Hermes returned Sisyphus and the gods punished him with hard work.
  2. Sisyphus, because of enmity with his brother Salmon, raped his daughter Tiro, who later gave birth to two children, who, according to the prophecy of Apollo, would take revenge on Salmoneus. Tyro recognized this and destroyed children in anger. The incident with Tiro and a series of other wicked deeds led to the fury of the gods who created for him a punishment that was included in history as the expression "Sisyphean labor".

Sisyphean is a legend

The work of Sisyphus became a legend, and a man involuntarily compares himself with this ancient Greek king when he is engaged in heavy debilitating labor. Thanks to the efforts of people, they get closer to their dreams, but does the enormous expenditure of resources always lead to the realization of the desire? Two King of Sisyphus and Tantalus - what unites them? Expressions of Sisyphean labor and tantalum flour are often applicable in cases where vain labor creates the appearance of proximity to the desired, but does not become a real result.

Sisyphean's work - psychology

Z. Freud built a psychoanalysis based on the myths of Greece. Each patient and Freud correlated with the heroes of ancient Greek myths. What does the Sisyphean labor in psychology? It is a work that arises on the initiative of the person himself, but which can not be realized due to various objective and subjective reasons (non-acceptance by the society, internal psychological blocks), all the efforts expended do not lead to the result. Psychologists recommend in such cases:

Sisyphean labor - examples

In life very often we have to start all over again: business, changes in lifestyle and people are faced with the fact that they are going through the same stages again and again. In order not to become like Sisyphus, you need to change your thinking. Examples of "Sisyphean labor":