Children about the Great Post

In our time, when almost any information is accessible to children due to the wide distribution of the media and the Internet, it is extremely important to instill in the child spiritual values. This will help him avoid many mistakes and correctly prioritize his life in the future. Since most parents baptize their children in the Orthodox tradition, in an accessible form to tell the children about the Great Post before Easter, it is simply necessary.

How interesting is it to submit information about a religious canon to a toddler?

It seems to some mothers and fathers that it's not worth talking about Lent to children: they will not understand anything. But this is not so: it is fascinating and with the soul the submitted information about this Christian tradition will be laid off in the child's head and then will bear fruit. To begin acquaintance with the Great Lent is as follows:

  1. It is best if the story for children about the Great Post is told by a close relative - mother, father, grandmother, that is, a person whom the child trusts. Explain to him that, according to Christian beliefs, a person combines both material and spiritual. But because of the original sin of Adam and Eve (it is appropriate to recall the story of Eden and the creation of God by the first people) material often prevails. Therefore, in order to overcome the call of the flesh and cleanse your thoughts, a fast was established.
  2. After telling the children about the Great Post, be sure to visit the services, but do not force the baby to stand in the church longer than he is capable of by age. Come to the temple with the whole family and earnestly pray: the child will surely remember this special day for a long time.
  3. Do not force the children to pray or receive communion: just tell me why you need it and how you would like your son or daughter to become closer to our Lord. Children are very responsive and will certainly respond to such a delicate call for respecting traditions.
  4. In a conversation about the Great Post with children, be sure to mention the restrictions in food (you can not eat meat, dairy products, etc.), but remember that before 12 years of age, restricting a child to animal foods should not be medically indicated. Ask the child what he is willing to refuse for, to show his love and profound veneration of Christ - and it is likely that he himself will gladly agree not to touch the usual cake and chocolate.
  5. Gathering to tell about the Great Fast to the children, think about how you can compensate for the young Christian's self-denial if he agrees to refuse for this period from TV or a computer. Perhaps you will read, draw or watch a lot of films, from which you can bring a lot of useful and instructive.