Games for 3-year-olds

Each child should have enough time and tools for various games, because most of them contribute to the development of presentation, imagination, thinking and other skills. It is during the game that a kid can briefly "become" another person, take someone's position or try himself in a new role.

All this is very important for the correct and full development of the child, especially in the preschool age. Although three-year-olds are already quite independent, they often need help from parents and interesting joint games with mom or dad. In this article, we offer to your attention several educational games for a 3-year-old child, in which you can play with him at home or on the street.

Moving games for children 3 years old

The benefit of summer and winter outdoor games for children of 2-3 years is difficult to underestimate. They activate breathing and circulation, as well as numerous metabolic processes taking place in the child's body. In addition, active activity in the game process promotes the development of coordination of movements, attention and reaction speed, as well as strength and endurance.

For 3-year-olds, both girls and boys, games like:

  1. "In the woods". This game requires the participation of the child and both parents. Dad is squatting and depicts a sleeping bear. Mom and the baby walk around him and "pick" mushrooms and berries, periodically echoing: "Ay! Ay! ". Approaching close to the bear, they begin to sentence:
  2. The bear in the forest

    I'll type a lot of cones,

    A bear is blind -

    He does not follow me.

    The branch will break off -

    The bear will follow me!

    At the last word the bear wakes up and starts to growl, and then runs after the baby, trying to catch it.

  3. "The Sunny Bunny." Using a small mirror or a flashlight, make a sunny bunny and ask the crumb to catch it. While the kid is trying to catch up with the reflection, read this verse:
  4. Jumping rookies-

    Sunny bunnies,

    We call them - do not go,

    Were here - and there are none here.

    Hop, jump in the corners,

    Were there - and there are not there.

    Where are the bunnies? Have left,

    We could not find them anywhere.

  5. "Moths". This game is suitable for the company of gay children. Kids stand in a circle, and the adult is located in its center, holding a nettle. Boys and girls depict moths. At the signal of the host, they begin to fly around the adult, flapping their arms like wings. He, in turn, tries to catch them.

Games with a 3-year-old at home

Being at home, for 3-year-old children will also have to come up with different games, because kids at this age can not themselves occupy themselves for a long time. In particular, for children of 3 years, the following games are suitable for boys and girls:

  1. "What is superfluous here?". In this game, kids usually learn to play with a year and a half. By three years, of course, the task should be somewhat complicated. For example, the three-year plan can offer to choose an extra term from such groups as: "an owl, a fox, a crow", "boots, a shawl, a hat," "a Christmas tree, a rose, a birch" and so on. If the kid does not perceive the task by ear, he can show appropriate pictures.
  2. "Repeat!". This game excellently develops the skills of imagination and social communication. Together with the baby, look at the book or video file and try to repeat the movements of various animals - jump like frogs, run like rabbits, and the like.
  3. "Following!". This and all similar games are very important for 3-year-old children, as they contribute to the development of an oral account. Take the ball and throw it to the child, saying the word "one". Let the kid return the ball to you and call the next number. Repeat this action until the crumb still understands the task.