
The niche is a deepening in the wall, which often helps the owners of apartments in the event of domestic problems. There are times when it interferes, and they try to get rid of it. But, if you decide how to beat a niche in the kitchen is not difficult, then moving the cooking area into a niche is not so simple.

Features of the layout of the kitchen-niche

Most often to the option of an apartment with a kitchen-niche resort, when the living space is given too little space. The desire to push the boundaries leads to the fact that the kitchen area is diverted to any other room, and it is moved to a niche, for example, a living room or a corridor. It should be remembered that with this redevelopment, only electric heating is possible, as well as having an area of ​​at least 5 square meters without natural light . In addition, in multi-storey houses the placement of any kind of kitchen over the living rooms of neighbors is unacceptable. Sometimes a room with a kitchen-niche is found in spacious rooms, where there is enough space for everyone. This arrangement of rooms can only be perceived as a non-standard design solution.

In any case, the desire to make a kitchen-niche requires the permission of the relevant authorities. In addition, there are a number of sanitary norms and rules that should not be neglected for the sake of our own safety. For example, hardly anyone will give the go-ahead for placing a kitchen-niche under the bathroom of a neighboring floor or above it. The same goes for the entrance doors of your own toilet. There is also a ban on touching the load-bearing walls of buildings, especially panel houses.

Since the kitchen built into the niche is not isolated from the main room, it is desirable to take a responsible approach to the selection of colors and materials that you will use during work. To the kitchen area is not allocated, it is better to adhere to a smooth transition of colors, giving preference to pastel tones.